Fluency disorder refers to the obstruction in free flow of speech. Continuous speech is often obstructed, and such a disorder is called fluency disorder. Stuttering and stammering are two such problems, which develop in children around the age of 5 years. By timely intervention and good management, it can be stopped and corrected. One needs to motivate the child, and decrease the pressure on him to be correct all the time. Listen to him carefully to know the problem and give positive support. Another thing that parents can do is to provide an appropriate speech model. Giving him more and more opportunities to speak will gradually boost up confidence.
There are some things that should never be done to a child with such problem, like scolding them. They cannot help making mistakes in speaking something, and if the parents are not supportive they might end up getting depressed and not talk at all. Do not make conscious attempts to correct the child, nor finish his words. Avoid giving suggestions like speaking slowly, and listen to the child instead of listening what he is saying. Also, never encourage him to use easier words, as it might develop into a habit.