• Dr. Jayesh C. Gandhi Surgical Hospital
  • 02752-220994,2553104.
  • Old Junction Road, B / H Boston Guest House
  • Surendranagar

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Hospital NameDoctor NameContact No.Ratings
Akshardeep Orthopaedic Hospital 02752-293014
Ankur Clinic 02752-283529
Archanam Hospital 02752-221704
Arkham Hospital 02752-223533
Astha Hospital 02752-224545
Athra Hospital 02752-233606,9426857373
CU Doshi Clinic 02752-221134
CU Shah Hospital 02752-256001,256002
Dhatri Eye Hospital 02752-233606
Dr. Bhatt Mahipatrai Dhirajlal 02752-225009
Dr. D Makwana Kanubhai 02752-237203,9979382633
Dr. G Bipin Shah Clinic 02752-255962
Dr. Jayesh C. Gandhi Surgical Hospital 02752-220994,2553104.
Dr. Manoj Kumar Rawal Clinic 02752-223233,9825579967
Dr. R Shah Pankajkumar 02752-224532
Dr. Rajesh Child Care Hospital 9825168748
Dr.Jayesh C Gandhi Surgical Hospital 02752-2209941,231102
Gandhi Hospital 02752-222052,222553
Jan Seva Hospital 02752-223959
Jeevan Jyot Hospital 02752-220334
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I am Very Satisfied and Happy With , i would love to recommend them to all my friends and family

Anshuman Maini Date:20/12/14

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