Internet has become addiction for teens more than necessity. In the modern trend, teens love to surf internet instead of watching television. It may be online games, blogging, chatting downloading songs and movies. If your child spends more than 25 hours over internet in a week then something is wrong.
Some online games demand to stay online 30 – 40 hours in a week. They have their own online world with millions of users. Internet provides a lot of services for the Internet users. These services include instant messaging, video conferencing and online phone calls. They can also upload their videos and images over facebook and My Space. Skype, facebook and orkut has changed the definition of online world. Most of the teens love to use Facebook and orkut. With the help of facebook they can share instant message with their friends.
They like to watch movie on DVD instead of television. People also like to enjoy music on computer system. Parents should have complete knowledge about regular activities of their teens. You should stop your child in getting indulge to the bad habit. You should tell him how much time he should spend for each activity. He should sleep and study at the proper time. Internet has become an unreliable place for the teens. In the situation, parents have to take some smart actions. There are a number of softwares available through which you can block certain unsafe URLs. Spend more time with your teen in order to keep a check on their activities.
IAD (Internet Addictive Disorder) Problems
IAD is the state in which teen love to spend his time over Internet only instead of doing anything else. IAC can badly affect your mental and physical health. Here are some common problems arise from IAD.
Poor health and malnutrition
Sleep disorder
Gambling addiction
Inhibits your social growth
Causes depression and anxiety
You can find a number of IAD treatment centers that provide special twenty eight days program for the victims. You can search complete information about IAD treatment centers over Internet.
Important Points to Remember
Parents should fix the computer in the common room. In this way, you can prevent your teen for playing online games late night. Fix the number of hours for which he can access the Internet. Try to make him engage in other activities. Internet is a useful medium for collecting all necessary information. On the other hand, it can also create real problems for the young generation.
Treat Yourself
Ask yourself what you are missing. Keep busy yourself with other activities. Try to move yourself towards other interests. Set the goal for your life. Work hard to achieve your goal. You should spend less time with Internet. Make significant changes in your daily schedule. Also get involve into social activities. Spend your time with your college or school friends. Make a strong social network offline. Keep an important fact in your mind that Internet is not your complete life. Internet is just a small part of your life.