Once your baby has entered in the outside world, it is the first few weeks that are usually the most delicate ones from both, physical and mental point of development. As a responsible and vigilant parent, you must be aware of all the possible set of events that you might come across while taking care of your 1 week old.
Keeping in mind the under mentioned special points might help the purpose of paying the most appropriate type of attention that your baby needs from your side:
1.Eye Movement: The eyesight of 1 week old babies is usually very blurred. So they require objects or people to be present really near to them in order to form a fair image. But, surprisingly, they can recognize the face of their mother even at this extremely delicate stage of life. Another fascinating fact is that the baby might not look steadily at one particular object or person. Instead, they’ll be looking everywhere and observing the various things happening around them even when you or anybody else would try to play along.
2.Checking on appropriate feeding levels: Proper amount of breastfeeding might be a relevant issue which you might face. There are many signs and developmental activities which would clearly exhibit that the baby is receiving the most appropriate amount of nutrition and food from its mother.
3.Stool related facts: Your 1 week old baby might experience bowel movements many times in a day. This is quite normal and you should not be worried because of the regular bowel activities of your baby. The color of your baby’s stool may also appear a bit different from normal in the initial weeks.
4.Grasping activities: You may notice a very frequent grasping activity from your baby. For instance, if you bring your finger near your baby, it will grasp your finger which would always be a beautiful experience for you.
5.Growth rate: The healthy growth signs of your baby include the color change of its skin in a positive way, which would exhibit pinkish signs when pinched. Similarly, there are other reflections of your baby’s bodily changes which would determine the level of growth that it has achieved.
6.Color of the eyes: The color of your baby’s eyes cannot be determined in the first week straightaway. This is due to the reason that the eye coloration of your baby has a great tendency to alter a lot during the initial phase of its life.
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