Your baby has successfully completed yet another week and seems to have become a joyful toy with the extended laughs and squeals throughout the day. The baby is no longer called a newborn but is now an infant. Some more exciting developments this week are:
Baby milestones at 14th week:
At this stage, the baby grows by about 1 to 1.5 inches each month. A baby born normally weighs around 12.75 pounds and has a length of around 23.75 inches in the 14th week.
Most babies are able to raise their arms by now, which means that in the coming weeks they may begin crawling. Some proactive babies actually begin moving around the house using their arms.
Increased leg and head control is yet another milestone. The baby is able to keep her head stable while sitting too and her grasping ability has improved hugely, which is evident by how she tries to keep grasping everything in her reach.
The baby can now keep both eyes fixed on a distant object. Earlier, she could not keep both the eyes focused on an object. Now she looks around the room as people around her move.
The drooling has increased even more. Some babies have their face and surrounding area wet all the time. Parents must wipe it out as early as possible.
Baby now tries to converse more to individuals rather than toys and images. She may also develop inclination to a particular toy and likes soft music.
Babies can clearly show signs of tiredness by yawning, crying, rubbing or hiding their eyes. Parents must be able to identify such signs of tiredness and must put the baby to sleep before she is over-exhausted.
The 14th week: what is required from parents?
Your baby has become very active now and constantly rolls on her sides to back, so it is important to keep the baby safe. Do not leave the baby unattended and do not perch her on high tables or beds.
With the baby beginning to crawl, the entire surface of bed and floor must be kept clear of objects that might cause any kind of injury.
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