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Manah Name Compatibility with VIRGO

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Relationship Compability of Manah with Mother as VIRGO Compability are as Below.

They come as extremely different people. Manah's mother happens to be modest, self-effacing, timid, and subdued while Manah desires for social appreciation, love, public recognition and applause. Manah often grab the limelight and overpower the fame of Manah's mother. The latter is more intensely self-sufficient as compared to Manah. Manah's mother can even be very fussy and quite particular about things and people. This behavior of Manah's mother often upsets Manah and situations become worse when Manah's mother criticizes Manah. And as Manah is sensitive to the critical remarks so made, things can lead to major confrontation and conflicts.

Manah's mother also is analytical and psychologically perceptive while Manah isn't. Their relation also faces hurdles because Manah takes Manah's mother's assistance and favors for granted.

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