Relationship Compability of Yarvi with Father as LIBRA Compability are as Below.
In most of the situations, Yarvi tends to respond with a higher emotional intensity as compared to Yarvi's father. And given the fact that neither Yarvi's father is uncool nor is aloof, Yarvi's feelings tend to run deeper. The two sung signs believe in closeness in a relationship but the major difference is in their approach. Yarvi's father gives the other person a bit space and isn't overly involved emotionally, Yarvi on the other hand gets too attached and turns very possessive too. Yarvi has this fine urge of merging with others. Yarvi's father holds a moderate and balanced approach to life while on the other end, Yarvi is intensely focused and even becomes quite fanatical at times. The detached fairness of Yarvi's father can at times irk Yarvi and Yarvi's father often gets puzzled by Yarvi's inexplicable dark moods. Despite these differences they somehow manage to keep the relation warm.