All Names Starting with Vovel ''

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1451 Boy Acel Noble at birth
1452 Boy Acelet Noble at birth
1453 Boy Acelin Little noble one
1454 Boy Acer Number one
1455 Boy Acey Number one
1456 Boy Achab Brother of the father
1457 Boy Achal Constant
1458 Girl Achal Steady, mountainous
1459 Boy Achala Still, immovable
1460 Girl Achala Stable, constant
1461 Boy Achalapati Lord of the immovable, lord of mountain
1462 Boy Achalendra Lord of the immovable, the himalayas
1463 Boy Achalesvara God of the immovable, another name for shiva
1464 Boy Achalraj Himalayan mountain
1465 Boy Achan He that troubleth
1466 Boy Achanda Not of the hot temper, without anger, gentle
1467 Boy Achar He that troubleth
1468 Boy Acharaj Wondrous being
1469 Boy Acharjeet Inanimate victory
1470 Boy Acharpreet Inanimate love
1471 Boy Acharya Teacher, another name for drona
1472 Boy Acharyanandana Son of the teacher, another name for aswatthama
1473 Boy Acharyasuta Son of the teacher, another name for aswatthama
1474 Boy Acharyatanya Son of the teacher
1475 Boy Achaz One that takes or possesses.
1476 Girl Achazia The lord holds
1477 Boy Achbor A rat, bruising
1478 Girl Acheri Acheri is the disease-bringing spirit of a mountai
1479 Boy Achet Carefree
1480 Boy Achetbir Carefree warrior
1481 Boy Achetmeet Carefree friend
1482 Boy Achill Pain
1483 Boy Achilles Pain, lipless
1484 Boy Achin Unknown
1485 Boy Achindra Flawless, uninterrupted, perfect
1486 Girl Achindra Perfect, without faults
1487 Boy Achint Without worry
1488 Girl Achint Having no worry
1489 Boy Achinta Lord shiva, vishnu
1490 Boy Achintakumar Add meaning
1491 Boy Achintay Beyond understanding, inconceivable
1492 Boy Achinthya Beyond understanding, inconceivable
1493 Boy Achintya Beyond understanding, inconceivable
1494 Girl Achintya Beyond thought
1495 Boy Achir New
1496 Girl Achira Very short
1497 Girl Achiraprabha Lightening
1498 Boy Achish Thus it is, how is this.
1499 Boy Achit Seperation
1500 Girl Achit Constant
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