All Names Starting with Vovel 'A'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
801 Boy Abanindra Sky
802 Boy Abanindranath Add meaning
803 Boy Abanish King
804 Girl Abanti Ujjain
805 Girl Abantika Waters
806 Girl Abarajitha Roar
807 Girl Abaranji Add meaning
808 Boy Abarim Passages, passengers
809 Girl Abarim Passages, passengers.
810 Girl Abarna Jewel
811 Girl Abasah Daughter of al-mahdi who was distinguished among h
812 Boy Abasalom Son of king david
813 Boy Abayomi Born to bring me joy, from yoruba, pleasant meetin
814 Girl Abayomi Pleasant meeting, from yoruba, brings joy
815 Boy Abba Father
816 Boy Abbas The lord is my father
817 Girl Abbey Father of exaltation
818 Boy Abbie My father is light, father of joy
819 Girl Abbie Father of joy
820 Boy Abbot Father
821 Boy Abbott Father
822 Girl Abbott Father
823 Girl Abbra The exalted one
824 Boy Abbud Worshipper
825 Boy Abbudin Worshippers
826 Boy Abby Father, my father is light, father in rejoicing
827 Girl Abby God is joy
828 Boy Abda Servant of god
829 Boy Abdalala Slave of the high
830 Girl Abdeali Follower of ali
831 Boy Abdeel A vapor, a cloud of god.
832 Girl Abdhija Born in sea, goddess lakshmi
833 Boy Abdhisayana Sleeping on the ocean
834 Boy Abdi My servant.
835 Boy Abdias God’s servant
836 Boy Abdiel Servent of god
837 Boy Abdon Servant, cloud of judgment
838 Boy Abdul Knowledge
839 Boy Abdul-adheem Servant of the most great
840 Boy Abdul-alim Servant of the omniscient
841 Boy Abdul-azeez Servant of the mighty, the powerful
842 Boy Abdul-azim Servant of the mighty
843 Boy Abdul-aziz Servant of the powerful one
844 Boy Abdul-baaqi Servant of the everlasting
845 Boy Abdul-dhahir Servant of the manifest
846 Boy Abdul-ghaffar-abdul Servant of the forgiver
847 Boy Abdul-haafiz Servant of the protector
848 Boy Abdul-hafeedh Servant of the preserver
849 Boy Abdul-hameed Servant of the praiseworthy, the ever-praised
850 Boy Abdul-jabaar Servant of the mighty
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