All Names Starting with Vovel 'A'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1501 Girl Achita Pay
1502 Girl Achla Constant
1503 Boy Achlapati Lord of mountain
1504 Boy Achlendra King of the mountains
1505 Boy Achmetha Brother of death
1506 Boy Achraj Wondrous
1507 Girl Achsah Adorned, bursting the veil.
1508 Boy Achudan Lord krishna
1509 Boy Achuth Protector that bonds and impresses
1510 Boy Achuthan Never die
1511 Boy Achyut Imperishable
1512 Boy Achyut;achyuta Imperishable, indestructible, a name of vishnu
1513 Boy Achyuta Indestructible
1514 Girl Achyuta Lord vishnu
1515 Boy Achyutam Imperishable, a name of vishnu, similar to achyut
1516 Boy Achyutanand Imperishable joy, the almighty
1517 Boy Achyutaraya Worshipper of the infallible, a devotee of vishnu
1518 Boy Achyuth Lord vishnu, imperishable, indestructible
1519 Boy Achyutha Lord venkateswara
1520 Girl Achyutha Immovable
1521 Boy Achyuthan Indestructible
1522 Boy Achzib Liar, lying, one that runs
1523 Boy Acie Number one
1524 Boy Acintya Surpassing thought, incogitable
1525 Girl Acira Brief, swift, fast
1526 Boy Acke Oak meadow
1527 Boy Ackerlea Oak meadow
1528 Boy Ackerley Oak meadow
1529 Boy Ackerly Oak meadow
1530 Boy Ackersley Meadow of oak trees
1531 Boy Acklea Oak meadow
1532 Boy Ackley A form of ackerley
1533 Boy Acklie Oak meadow
1534 Boy Acton Oak-tree settlement
1535 Boy Acyuta Unending, never lapsing, eternal
1536 Boy Acyutananda Insatiable bliss, one who never falls
1537 Boy Acyutaraya Worshipper of the infallible
1538 Boy Acyutayu With an impershiable life
1539 Boy Ada Father
1540 Girl Ada Noble, kind, nobility, the oldest daughter, happy,
1541 Boy Adab Hope, need
1542 Boy Adabjot Light of respect
1543 Boy Adadah Testimony of the assembly
1544 Boy Adael Eternity of god
1545 Boy Adag Pure, blemishless
1546 Girl Adag Pure, sacred
1547 Boy Adah An assembly
1548 Girl Adah Adornment, ornament
1549 Boy Adaiah The witness of the lord
1550 Boy Adaikalam Refuge
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