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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Al'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
501 Boy Amarsukh Eternal peace
502 Boy Amarta Immortal
503 Girl Amarta Immortality
504 Boy Amartek Eternal support
505 Girl Amarthya Immortal
506 Boy Amarthya Immortal
507 Boy Amartya Immortal
508 Girl Amartya Immortal, divine, a god
509 Girl Amartya Immortal, divine, a god
510 Boy Amaru Immortal
511 Boy Amaruka Son of immortal
512 Boy Amarvas Eternal abode
513 Boy Amarveer Eternally brave
514 Boy Amarwant Completely immortal
515 Girl Amatullah Female servant of allah, slave of allah
516 Girl Amber From the stone, healing, reddish-yellow precious j
517 Boy Ambie Immortal
518 Boy Ambrose Greek immortal
519 Boy Ambrose Immortal, ever-living, undying
520 Boy Ambrose Immortal
521 Boy Amby Immortal
522 Girl Ameera Princess. rich woman. leader. also a: well populat
523 Girl Ameesha All coming together
524 Boy Ameretat Immortal
525 Girl Americus Royalty
526 Girl Ameya Boundless, devotional, devotion
527 Boy Amfy Always ready
528 Boy Amid General
529 Boy Amil Invaluable
530 Boy Amil Invaluable
531 Boy Aminadab My people are liberal.
532 Boy Amini Reliable, trustworthy, rigid, unalterable, blood b
533 Boy Amir Rich, leader, from kikuyu, wealthy, ruler, king, e
534 Girl Amitusha An ancient bengali writer who wrote songs for nepo
535 Girl Amla The pure one, goddess of wealth (lakshmi)
536 Girl Ammaponnu One who is always ready for new settlement
537 Boy Ammi-nadab My people are liberal.
538 Boy Ammishaddai The people of the almighty, the almighty is with m
539 Girl Amninder Stay alive
540 Girl Amninder Stay alive
541 Boy Amok A valley, a depth.
542 Girl Amok A valley, a depth
543 Boy Amol Priceless, valuable
544 Boy Amol Priceless, valuable
545 Girl Amolika Priceless, valuable
546 Boy Amprithu Strong and healthy
547 Boy Amrakuta Special halls or mansions
548 Boy Amram An exalted people, their sheaves, handfuls of corn
549 Girl Amrata Immortality
550 Boy Amrinder Blessed by god for immortality, similar to amarind
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