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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Al'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1051 Girl Bina A musical instrument, intelligence
1052 Girl Bindi Small round to wear on forehead, a decorative mark
1053 Boy Bindumat Has pearls, knows the truth, wealthy, wise
1054 Girl Bindya Small red dot, bindi that married women wear on th
1055 Girl Bipsha Wealth,flourish
1056 Girl Bira Having husband & male child
1057 Boy Birakaal Eternally brave
1058 Boy Birendramohan Lord almighty
1059 Boy Bitan Pandal, spread
1060 Boy Bitan Pandal, spread
1061 Boy Blaize Talks with a lisp
1062 Girl Bliss Literally, happy or joyful
1063 Boy Bnidhish Lyrics of classical music
1064 Boy Bodhidharma All-pervading enlightened mind, enlightenment teac
1065 Girl Bolour Crystal
1066 Boy Boota Plant of healing
1067 Boy Boulos Small, humble
1068 Boy Braden Broad valley
1069 Boy Braden From the broad valley
1070 Boy Braden From the broad valley
1071 Boy Bradhna Pale red, mighty, the world of the sun
1072 Boy Braeden Salmon
1073 Boy Brahmdev God's exalted angel
1074 Boy Brahmdev God's exalted angel
1075 Boy Brahmdev God's exalted angel
1076 Boy Braiden Salmon
1077 Boy Branden Beacon valley
1078 Boy Brayden Salmon
1079 Boy Brbutska Liberal, generous, virtuous
1080 Boy Brhadasva Possesses mighty horses, strong, wealthy and fleet
1081 Girl Bridget Exalted one
1082 Boy Brjamohana Universally attractive
1083 Girl Brooke Literally signifies brook or stream
1084 Boy Brose Immortal
1085 Boy Bubhutsu Desirous to know all, curious
1086 Boy Buddhividhata God of knowledge, talented
1087 Boy Budhna Spiritual guide
1088 Boy Buksis Alternate of bakshish
1089 Boy Buksis Alternate of bakshish
1090 Girl Bulbul A songbird, nightingale
1091 Girl Bulbul The nightingale
1092 Girl Bulbul A songbird, nightingale
1093 Girl Bunanah Daughter of yazid al-abshamiyah
1094 Girl Busrah Daughter of safwan bin nawfal, companion a
1095 Boy Cadence Flow of rhythm falling
1096 Boy Caitya Pertaning to the mind, the individual soul
1097 Boy Cal Little bald one
1098 Boy Cale Form of caleb
1099 Boy Calno 'our consummation, altogether himself'
1100 Boy Calvin Little bald one
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