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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Bear'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
51 Girl Ephrath Abundance, bearing fruit.
52 Boy Gunadhar Bearer of attributes
53 Boy Harmut Bearing the unbreakable, the tortoise that upholds
54 Boy Hiral Bearer of diamonds
55 Boy Jaidhara Bearer of victory
56 Girl Jaiditya Bearer of victory
57 Girl Jaivati Bearer of victory
58 Girl Jalandhara Goddess lakshmi, water bearer
59 Girl Jalandhara Water bearer
60 Girl Jambavati King of the bears
61 Boy Jasper Treasure bearer
62 Boy Jataadhara Bearer of twisted lock, another name for siva
63 Boy Jools Soft-bearded
64 Boy Jules Soft-bearded
65 Girl Julia Youthful, soft haired, down-bearded youth, jove's
66 Boy Julian Soft-bearded
67 Girl Juliana Downy bearded, youthful, name of a poem, jove's ch
68 Girl Julie Youthful, downy-bearded, jove's child, downy, viva
69 Boy Julius Down-bearded youth
70 Boy Julyan Soft-bearded
71 Boy Kaarmugilan Rain-bearing cloud
72 Boy Kaarmuhilan Rain-bearing cloud
73 Boy Kaarmuhilan Rain-bearing cloud, resourceful
74 Boy Kaladhara Bearer of the crescent moon
75 Boy Karmegam Rain-bearing cloud, resourceful
76 Boy Karmuhilan Rain-bearing cloud, resourceful
77 Boy Karmuhilan Rain-bearing cloud, resourceful, also muhil
78 Boy Kester Christ-bearer (christopher)
79 Boy Kit Christ-bearer (christopher)
80 Girl Kripadhara Bearer of mercy
81 Boy Kris Christ-bearer, anointed, follower of christ
82 Girl Kristine Greek christ-bearer
83 Boy Kristo Christ-bearer (christopher)
84 Boy Kristophe Christ-bearer (christopher)
85 Boy Kristopher Christ-bearer (christopher)
86 Boy Kuntibhoja Bearer of spears
87 Boy Lombard Long-beard
88 Boy Luthria Bearer of aids
89 Girl Mercy Compassion, forebearance.
90 Boy Muralidhara Bearer of a flute
91 Boy Muralidharan Lord krishna, bearer of flute
92 Boy Murlidhar Bearer of a flute, lord krishna having a flute
93 Girl Neeta Upright, bear
94 Girl Nimm Name of a tree that bears bitter fruit
95 Girl Nita Moral, grace, bear
96 Boy Oberon Elf bear
97 Boy Orson Bear-cub
98 Boy Osbourne God-bear
99 Girl Palki To bear
100 Boy Palmer Palm-bearing pilgrim
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