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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'By'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
501 Girl Ravishta Loved by the sun
502 Boy Ravisu Desired by the sun
503 Boy Rayhan Sweet basil, fragrance, favoured by god
504 Boy Rayhan Favored by god
505 Girl Rida Favored by god
506 Boy Rihutphani Ruby on the king cobra
507 Girl Rituja Produced by season
508 Girl Roshika Never forgotten by people
509 Girl Roshika Never forgotten by people
510 Girl Rubina The red gemstone, red, ruby, flower, red-coloured
511 Girl Ruby Reddish, red colored precious gemstone, red, ruby
512 Girl Ruby Reddish, red colored precious gemstone, red, ruby
513 Girl Ruchee Hobby
514 Girl Sahadevi Protected by the goddesses, mighty goddess
515 Boy Sahojit Victorious by strength
516 Girl Sailasya Lasya- dance by parvathi devi
517 Girl Saisrujana Creation by sai baba
518 Girl Sailasya Lasya- dance by parvathi devi
519 Boy Sam Told by god, god has listen, to hear, sun, his nam
520 Girl Samantha Listener, flower, told by god, beautiful flower, g
521 Boy Samara Accompanied by gods
522 Girl Samara Guardian or protected by god
523 Boy Samba Attended by the divine mother
524 Boy Sambashiva Lord shiva attended by the divine mother
525 Boy Samuel God is heard, asked of god, told by god, name of o
526 Boy Samuel Name of god, asked of god, heard by god
527 Girl Sanchayita A poem which was written by ravindra nath tagore
528 Boy Sanmukh Abiding by the guru's word
529 Boy Sannath Accompanied by a protector
530 Boy Sannath Accompanied by a protector
531 Boy Sanradhya Acquired by perfect meditation
532 Girl Saptapadi The seven steps at the wedding taken together by t
533 Boy Saranjot Protection by light
534 Boy Sasatya Accompanied by truth
535 Boy Satbachan The one abiding by the holy word
536 Boy Satbachan The one abiding by the holy word
537 Boy Satbachan God, one abiding by the holy word
538 Boy Satbachan The one abiding by the holy word
539 Boy Satinderpal Protected by the true king
540 Boy Satinderpal Protected by god of truth
541 Boy Satpal The one who abides by the truth
542 Boy Satparvan The one accepted by god
543 Boy Satparvan One accepted by god
544 Boy Satparvan The one accepted by god
545 Boy Satparvan The one accepted by god
546 Boy Satpaul The one who abides by the truth
547 Boy Satpaul The one who abides by the truth
548 Boy Satprasad One blessed by the truth
549 Boy Satyaketu Standing by the values of truth
550 Boy Satyapal Protected by truth
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