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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'C'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
3351 Boy Champabati;champavati The daughter of an ancient king 'raja sahil verma'
3352 Boy Champabati;champavati The daughter of an ancient king 'raja sahil verma'
3353 Girl Champakali A bud of champa
3354 Girl Champakavathi Owner of champak trees
3355 Girl Champakmala A garland made of champa flowers
3356 Girl Champamalini Garland of champa flower
3357 Girl Champavati Owner of champak tree
3358 Boy Champavati The daughter of an ancient king raja sahil verma
3359 Girl Champika Little champa flower
3360 Boy Chan Nickname for john, light, beloved, at peace
3361 Girl Chan Light, beloved (also see chann)
3362 Girl Chana Gracious
3363 Girl Chanah Grace
3364 Boy Chanak Father of chaanakya
3365 Boy Chanaksha Chanakya
3366 Girl Chanakshi Clever
3367 Boy Chanaky Son of canaka
3368 Boy Chanakya The wise one, bright, great scholar, son of chanak
3369 Boy Chanakya;chaanakya Name of kautilya - the great scholar, bright
3370 Boy Chanakya;chaanakya Name of kautilya - the great scholar, bright
3371 Boy Chanan Cloud
3372 Girl Chananjeet Winning the service of guru's feet
3373 Boy Chananjeet Winning the service of guru's feet
3374 Girl Chananjit Winning the service of guru's feet
3375 Boy Chanchal Active
3376 Girl Chanchal Active, lively, playful
3377 Girl Chanchal Active
3378 Girl Chanchal Active
3379 Boy Chanchaljeet Victory of the lively
3380 Boy Chanchaljeet Victory of the lively
3381 Boy Chanda God's compassion, fierce, passionate, violent
3382 Boy Chandabal Fiercely strong
3383 Boy Chandan Of the sandalwood tree, scented wood, sandalwood
3384 Boy Chandanbir Sandal victory
3385 Boy Chandanbir Sandal victory
3386 Boy Chandanwant Full of sandal's fragrance
3387 Boy Chandanwant Full of sandal's fragrance
3388 Boy Chanderjeet Conquer of the moon
3389 Boy Chanderjit One who has conquered the moon
3390 Boy Chanderjit One who has conquered the moon
3391 Boy Chandermohan Attractive like the moon
3392 Boy Chandermohan Attractive like the moon
3393 Boy Chandidas Name of a saint, devotee of chendi devi
3394 Girl Chandika Like moon, diminutive of chandana
3395 Boy Chandipati Lord of the fierce goddess
3396 Boy Chandler Candlemaker
3397 Boy Chandler Candlemaker
3398 Boy Chandler Candle maker
3399 Girl Chandni Chandini
3400 Girl Chandona A species of parrot
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