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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Child'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
101 Boy Quintin Fifth, fifth born child
102 Boy Renil King of kingdom child
103 Girl Ripanshi God's child
104 Girl Rita Pearl, child of light, variant of margaret, brave,
105 Boy Sachi Honest, truth, child of bliss
106 Girl Sachi Wife of lord indra, child of joy, truth, grace, gi
107 Boy Sam Sun child, bright sun
108 Boy Samkit Sun child, bright sun
109 Boy Samnit Sun child, bright sun
110 Boy Sampson Child of the sun
111 Girl Shatice Ninth child
112 Boy Sheehan Peaceful child
113 Boy Sheehan Peaceful child
114 Boy Slade Child of the valley
115 Boy Sladen Child of the valley
116 Boy Soneesh Peaceful child, free bird, goddess laxmi
117 Boy Sukhnandan Happy children of god
118 Boy Sunu Son child
119 Girl Suvrata A child of daksa
120 Girl Svarnabaala Golden child
121 Girl Talitha Maiden, child
122 Girl Tanaaya My child
123 Boy Taren Childlike
124 Girl Toshika Clever child
125 Boy Tufayl Small child, baby
126 Girl Udayabaala Rising sun's child
127 Girl Ulla Elevation, leaf, young child
128 Girl Ushaabaala Morning child
129 Boy Vats Child, a descendant of kanva
130 Boy Vatsalya Love that a mother feels for a child
131 Boy Vstsalya Love that a mother feels for a child
132 Boy Waleed Newborn child, father
133 Boy Zackery Child of god
134 Girl Zeynap Name of prophet mohhamad's child
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