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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Di'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2451 Girl Sanghamitra One who maintains friendship between different gro
2452 Boy Sangjaap Meditation in congregation
2453 Girl Sanheeta A compilation or a bunch of vedic hymns
2454 Girl Sania Radiant, brilliant
2455 Girl Saniya Moment, moment in time, radiant, brilliant, high,
2456 Boy Sanjeevakumar Sanjeevani (life medican)
2457 Girl Sanjeevini Medicine to stay alive
2458 Girl Sanjibani A medicine which restores life to the dead
2459 Boy Sankataharana Remover of difficulties
2460 Boy Sanmukh Abiding by the guru's word
2461 Girl Sannati Bending down, humility
2462 Boy Sanradhya Acquired by perfect meditation
2463 Boy Sanshubh Radiant, beautiful
2464 Boy Sanskrit An ancient indo-european language of india
2465 Girl Sanskrithi Tradition
2466 Girl Sanskruti Culture, traditional
2467 Girl Sansthitaa Residing in every soul with love, affection
2468 Boy Santanak Spreading a tree
2469 Boy Santjot Divine light
2470 Boy Santu Defending men
2471 Girl Sanya First light of sun, beneficent, fortunate, splendi
2472 Girl Sapahi Soldier
2473 Girl Sapahi Soldier
2474 Girl Saptapadi The seven steps at the wedding taken together by t
2475 Girl Sarab All, all pervading
2476 Boy Sarabdeep All pervading light.
2477 Boy Sarabdeep All pervading light, lamp that gives light to all
2478 Boy Sarabdev God of gods, omnipresent, all pervading god
2479 Boy Sarabjot All-prevading light
2480 Boy Sarabjot All-prevading light
2481 Girl Sarabjot All-prevading light
2482 Boy Sarabjot All-prevading light
2483 Girl Sarabjot All-prevading light
2484 Girl Sarabjot All-pervading light
2485 Boy Sarabjot All-prevading light
2486 Boy Sarabnivas Pervading in all
2487 Boy Sarabroop Embodiment of all
2488 Boy Sarashmi With rays, radiant
2489 Girl Sarvapadravanivarini Dispeller of all distresses
2490 Girl Sasha Defending men, feminine of alexander, defender and
2491 Girl Sashana Happy, radiance, prosperity, lustrous, goddess lak
2492 Boy Satatya Never ending, persistence, continuity, perpetuity,
2493 Boy Satatya Never ending
2494 Boy Satbachan The one abiding by the holy word
2495 Boy Satbachan The one abiding by the holy word
2496 Boy Satbachan God, one abiding by the holy word
2497 Boy Satbachan The one abiding by the holy word
2498 Girl Satha Dishonest
2499 Girl Satha Dishonest
2500 Boy Satmoorat Embodiment of truth and beauty
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