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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'F'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
4401 Boy Bhulpreet Unforgettable love
4402 Girl Bhuma Goddess of earth, mother earth
4403 Boy Bhumanyu One who is accepted by all, devotee of the earth,
4404 Girl Bhumayi Full of existence, produced from the earth
4405 Boy Bhumesh God of the earth
4406 Boy Bhumidhar Lord of the earth
4407 Boy Bhumidol Palace, one of the three worlds
4408 Boy Bhumija Produced from the earth
4409 Girl Bhumija Another name for sita,
4410 Boy Bhumin Son of the earth
4411 Boy Bhuminder Lord of the earth
4412 Boy Bhumindra Lord of the earth
4413 Boy Bhumipati Lord of the earth
4414 Boy Bhumit Friend of land
4415 Boy Bhumitra Friend of the earth, a ruler
4416 Boy Bhunayaka Leader of the earth
4417 Boy Bhunetri Leader of the earth
4418 Boy Bhupad Firm
4419 Boy Bhupala Guardian of the earth
4420 Boy Bhupathi Lord of the earth
4421 Boy Bhupati God of the earth
4422 Boy Bhupati;bhoopati;bhoopat Lord of the earth
4423 Boy Bhupender Ruler of rulers, king of kings
4424 Boy Bhupendra A king who rules all over earth, king of kings
4425 Boy Bhupendra King of kings, king of the earth
4426 Boy Bhupendra;bhoopendra;bhupinder King of kings, emperor, king of the earth
4427 Boy Bhupendra;bhoopendra;bhupinder King of kings, emperor, king of the earth
4428 Boy Bhupesh King of earth
4429 Boy Bhupindar The king of kings
4430 Girl Bhupindar The king of kings
4431 Girl Bhupinder The king of kings
4432 Boy Bhupinder King of kings, emperor, king of the earth
4433 Girl Bhupinder The king of kings
4434 Boy Bhupinder King of kings, emperor, king of the earth
4435 Girl Bhupinder The king of kings
4436 Boy Bhupinderjeet Victory of supreme god
4437 Boy Bhupraj Kingdom of kings
4438 Boy Bhuputra Son of the earth
4439 Boy Bhuranyu Worshipped by the world, fast, anxious, efficient,
4440 Boy Bhurivasu One who has a lot of wealth
4441 Boy Bhurji Name of a curry
4442 Boy Bhusakra Indra of the earth, much renowned
4443 Boy Bhutadi Originator of all beings
4444 Boy Bhutansa Part of existence
4445 Boy Bhutapala Protector of living beings, spirits
4446 Boy Bhutaraja Lord of living beings, another name for vishnu
4447 Boy Bhutesa Lord of all living-beings, lord vishnu, siva, brah
4448 Boy Bhutikrt Causing welfare
4449 Boy Bhutiraja Lord of existence
4450 Girl Bhuvanasree Queen of the world
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