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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'First'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
101 Girl Ahaana Morning glory , first ray of light
102 Girl Ahanna First ray of the sun
103 Girl Aklima The first step
104 Boy Alif The first character in hijaiyah
105 Boy Altair The flying eagle, also refers to a first magnitude
106 Girl Aneema First of the eight siddhis
107 Girl Aroushi First ray of sun
108 Boy Arush First ray of sun
109 Boy Arushan First rays of morning sun
110 Girl Arushi First ray of the sun
111 Boy Arvanpreet First step
112 Boy Ashmini The first of twenty seven lunar mansions
113 Boy Atharva Name of ganesha, the first vedas
114 Girl Athi The first
115 Boy Athipan The first
116 Girl Atoosa Daughter of the first king of iran
117 Girl Avya The first life form all knowledgeable and all pure
118 Boy Avya The first life form all knowledgeable and all pure
119 Girl Awantika The first flower to blossom in a season
120 Boy Awwal Slave of the first one
121 Boy Ayansh The first ray of light, part of parents, gift of g
122 Girl Babita Polite, born in the first quarter of the day
123 Girl Babitha Born in the first quarter of an astrological day
124 Boy Bechorath First fruits.
125 Boy Bharati First
126 Boy Bilal The chosen one, black man, first convert of muhamm
127 Girl Chaithra First month of the year, spring, new bright light
128 Boy Chaitra First month of the year
129 Boy Chaitra First month
130 Girl Chaitri The first month of hindu calendar
131 Girl Chaitrika First month of the year, spring season
132 Girl Chithirai Name of the first thamil month
133 Girl Chithirai Name of the first tamil month
134 Girl Chitrarekha Picture, goddess firstly started painting, first l
135 Boy Cyrus Like the sun, first king of iran, the name of the
136 Boy Daghfal Name of first islamic geologist
137 Boy Derek First of the people king of nations
138 Boy Derick First of the people king of nations
139 Boy Derrick First of the people king of nations
140 Boy Deryck First of the people king of nations
141 Boy Dirk First of the people king of nations
142 Boy Divkaran The first ray of sunlight, pure
143 Girl Donika First star morning in egypt, first star
144 Boy Dyaus King of heaven and the first man on earth
145 Boy Ekad The first one
146 Boy Ekada The first one, giver of one
147 Girl Ekarishi First rishi
148 Boy Ekata First, single
149 Boy Fardeen-fardin One who has triple strength, first month of the pa
150 Boy Farvardin First month of iranian calendar
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