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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'G'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
5701 Girl Daeveepriya Add meaning
5702 Boy Daeven God
5703 Girl Daevi Little goddess
5704 Girl Daevi Goddess, the diety
5705 Girl Daevika Minor deity, goddess
5706 Girl Daevika Minor deity, goddess
5707 Girl Daevikaaraani Queen of goddess
5708 Boy Dagan Corn or grain
5709 Boy Dagan Grain or corn
5710 Boy Daghfal Name of first islamic geologist
5711 Boy Dagmar Add meaning
5712 Boy Dagwood Shining forest
5713 Boy Daha Blazing, very bright
5714 Boy Daha Blazing, very bright
5715 Girl Dahab Gold
5716 Girl Dahab Gold
5717 Girl Dahadaha Blazing, destroying enemies
5718 Boy Dahatr Add meaning
5719 Boy Daibadin Creator of religion
5720 Boy Daibai Big plum
5721 Boy Daiden Great transmission
5722 Boy Daido Great way
5723 Boy Daiji Great compassion
5724 Boy Daikaku Great enlightenment
5725 Boy Daikan Great contemplation
5726 Boy Daiko Great light
5727 Boy Dainin Great patience, great endurance
5728 Girl Dairyani Brave girl
5729 Boy Daishin Great truth, boundless reality
5730 Boy Daitari God name
5731 Boy Daivagjna One who has knowledge of gods, fortune-teller, ast
5732 Boy Daivam God incarnates in the form of a human being
5733 Boy Daivansh Of divine origin
5734 Boy Daivat Strength, power
5735 Boy Daivat Power, strength
5736 Boy Daivik Religious, godly, divine
5737 Boy Daiwik By the grace of god
5738 Boy Daiwik By the grace of god
5739 Boy Daiwik By the grace of god
5740 Girl Daizy Flower, girl, eye of the day, day's eye
5741 Girl Dajshi Glorious
5742 Girl Daka To eat something
5743 Boy Dakhil Stranger, foreigner
5744 Girl Daksakanya An able daughter, another name of durga
5745 Boy Daksayan Coming from daksa
5746 Boy Daksayana Coming from daksa
5747 Girl Daksayani Godess parvati, daughter of daksha
5748 Boy Daksh Expert, talented, fit, fire, gold, son of lord bra
5749 Boy Dakshak Able daughter
5750 Boy Dakshak Add meaning
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