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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'G'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
8201 Girl Esther Star, myrtle leaf, like a star, stampedding horses
8202 Girl Esther Star, bible ref.: esther 2:17, jewish girl made qu
8203 Girl Estra Goddess of spring
8204 Boy Eswanth Belongs to lord shiva
8205 Boy Eswar God
8206 Boy Eswarapu Add meaning
8207 Girl Eswari Hindu goddess name, goddess parvati, wife of god s
8208 Girl Eswary Good girl
8209 Girl Eswary-eshwari Goddess, parvati
8210 Boy Eta Painted, shining
8211 Boy Etaka To be loving to others
8212 Boy Etam Their bird, their covering
8213 Girl Etana Dedication, strength
8214 Boy Etasa Shining, dappled horse
8215 Girl Etasha Shining
8216 Girl Ethaha Shining
8217 Girl Ethaha-etasha Shining
8218 Girl Ethaha;etasha Shining
8219 Boy Etham Their strength, their sign
8220 Boy Ethan Strong, the gift of the island
8221 Boy Ethan-ethanael Strong, bible ref.:  1 chronicles 2:6, son of zera
8222 Girl Ethana Strong
8223 Boy Ethari Add meaning
8224 Boy Ethelbert Noble and bright
8225 Boy Ethelhard Noble strength
8226 Boy Ethinder Add meaning
8227 Boy Ethnan Gift.
8228 Boy Eucario Gracious
8229 Girl Eudora Delightful gift
8230 Boy Eunice Good victory
8231 Boy Eustace Good harvest/stability
8232 Girl Eva Giver of life
8233 Girl Eva Life, to live, to breath, good news, form of eve,
8234 Boy Evan God is gracious
8235 Girl Evangelin Angel
8236 Girl Evangeline Good tidings
8237 Girl Evanle From evan var john god is gracious and lee meadow
8238 Boy Evaraj To shine as bright as the sun
8239 Boy Evayavan Swift, granting wishes, another name for vishnu
8240 Girl Eveleen Bringer of light, lively, unselfish
8241 Girl Eveleen Bringer of light, lively, unselfish
8242 Girl Evelina Lifegiving
8243 Boy Evelio He who gives life
8244 Girl Evelyn Engl. variant of irish eibhlhin helen
8245 Boy Everard Strong as a boar
8246 Boy Everett Strong as a boar
8247 Boy Everette Strong as a boar
8248 Boy Everitt Strong as a boar
8249 Girl Evie Living one
8250 Boy Evil-merodach The fool of merodach, the fool grinds bitterly
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