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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'G'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1001 Boy Agnish Belonging to fire
1002 Girl Agnishekhar Gold
1003 Boy Agnisri With the brightness of fire
1004 Boy Agnistuta Devotee of fire, glorious, illuminating
1005 Boy Agnitejas With the energy and lustre of fire
1006 Boy Agnitra Agni's friend the wind
1007 Boy Agnivamin Add meaning
1008 Girl Agnivardhini Increasing fire
1009 Girl Agniveerya Dhronacharya's guru
1010 Boy Agnivesa Fire clad, one who is as glorious as fire
1011 Boy Agnivesh Bright as the fire
1012 Boy Agnivesh Dhronacharya's guru
1013 Boy Agnivesh Dhronacharya's guru, bright as the fire
1014 Boy Agrahar A plot of a land given to a brahman or a king
1015 Girl Agraj Elder one, a king's son
1016 Girl Agrasen Great warrior of an arma
1017 Girl Agrata Going in front, taking the lead
1018 Girl Agrayi Primal, a wife of agni
1019 Boy Agreni First, preceding, leader
1020 Boy Agreya Add meaning
1021 Girl Agrim Beyond comprehension, beyond knowledge
1022 Boy Agrippa One who causes great pain at his birth
1023 Boy Agur 'stranger, gathered together'
1024 Boy Agya A fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures
1025 Boy Agyeya Beyond comprehension, beyond knowledge
1026 Boy Ahaan Dawn, auspicious dawn, morning glory, first ray of
1027 Boy Ahaan Morning glory , first ray of light
1028 Girl Ahaana Morning glory , first ray of light
1029 Boy Ahab Father’s brother, bible ref.:  1 kings 16:29., son
1030 Girl Ahalya Wife of rishi gautam, women rescued by lord rama
1031 Girl Ahalya Wife of rishi gautam, women rescued by lord rama
1032 Boy Aham Highly praised
1033 Boy Ahamed Highly praised
1034 Boy Ahamyati Egoless
1035 Boy Ahan One who is as bright as daylight
1036 Boy Ahan Rich, morning, dawn, one who is of the nature of t
1037 Girl Ahanti Gift
1038 Girl Ahanti Gift
1039 Boy Ahanyan He laughs
1040 Boy Aharah A smiling brother, a meadow of a sweet savor
1041 Boy Aharnish Day and night
1042 Boy Aharsh A great saint
1043 Boy Aharshi A great saint
1044 Boy Ahasbai Trusting in me, a grown-up brother
1045 Boy Ahaskara Producing the day
1046 Boy Ahavaniym Add meaning
1047 Boy Ahd Knowledge
1048 Girl Ahd Knowledge
1049 Girl Ahd Pledge, knowledge
1050 Boy Ahd Pledge, knowledge
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