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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'G'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
12501 Boy Ishwarapriya God\'s beloved
12502 Boy Ishwaran God
12503 Boy Ishwaraprasad Given by the gods
12504 Boy Ishwarapriya God's beloved
12505 Boy Ishwarapriya God's beloved
12506 Boy Ishwarchandra The greatest god
12507 Girl Ishwari Goddess, god gift
12508 Girl Ishwarpreet God's beloved
12509 Girl Ishwarpreet God's beloved
12510 Girl Ishwarya God's prosperity
12511 Girl Ishya Spring
12512 Girl Ishya Spring
12513 Girl Ishya Spring
12514 Boy Ishya The spring season
12515 Girl Ishya Spring
12516 Girl Ishya Spring
12517 Girl Isi My god is an oath
12518 Girl Isibeal My god is an oath
12519 Boy Isir Powerful, active, strong
12520 Girl Isiri Add meaning
12521 Boy Isis Powerful, the supreme god
12522 Girl Isita Greatness
12523 Boy Ismael God will hear
12524 Girl Ismaela God listens
12525 Boy Ismail God will hear
12526 Boy Ismail Farsi for ishmael, the biblical ishmael is the eng
12527 Boy Ismail God will hear
12528 Boy Ismin As swift as the spring, speedy
12529 Girl Isobel My god is a vow
12530 Boy Israel Prince of god
12531 Boy Israil Wrestled with god
12532 Boy Isreal Prince of god
12533 Boy Issac He laughs
12534 Boy Issaimaran Salvation by god
12535 Girl Issie My god is an oath
12536 Girl Ista Gorgeous
12537 Boy Istaka A brick is used in preparing the ceremonial altar
12538 Boy Istika A brick is used in preparing the ceremonial altar
12539 Boy Isu God contends, quivering, an arrow, the number
12540 Girl Isvari The goddess
12541 Boy Iswar Powerful, the supreme god
12542 Boy Iswara Add meaning
12543 Girl Iswari Goddess
12544 Girl Iswarya Gold
12545 Boy Isya The spring season, effecting wishes
12546 Girl Isya The spring season, effecting wishes
12547 Girl Italy Abounding with calves or heifers
12548 Boy Itan Enough
12549 Boy Ithai Strong, my sign, a plowshare.
12550 Boy Ithiel Sign, or coming of god
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