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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'G'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
13101 Boy Jasdayal Glory of kindness
13102 Girl Jasdeep The lamp radiating god's glories
13103 Boy Jasdeep The lamp radiating god's glories, lamp of glory
13104 Boy Jasdeep The lamp radiating god's glories, lamp of glory
13105 Boy Jasdeep The lamp radiating god's glories
13106 Boy Jasdev Lord's glory
13107 Girl Jasgun Jas mean famous, gun mean quality
13108 Girl Jasgurkirtat Praise of god
13109 Girl Jasgurkirtat Praise of god
13110 Boy Jashaketh Add meaning
13111 Girl Jashangeet Celebration song
13112 Girl Jashar Love with god
13113 Girl Jasheen Ancient, sleeping
13114 Boy Jashem Ancient, sleeping.
13115 Boy Jashen Ancient, sleeping.
13116 Boy Jashisth Gem
13117 Girl Jashitha Add meaning
13118 Girl Jashmir Add meaning
13119 Girl Jashmitha Add meaning
13120 Boy Jashobeam The people sitting, or captivity of the people.
13121 Girl Jashoda Mother of god krishna
13122 Boy Jashua God is my salvation
13123 Boy Jashub A returning, a controversy, a dwelling place.
13124 Girl Jashvana One who sings praises of the lord
13125 Girl Jashvi One who gets credit
13126 Girl Jashwanthi Add meaning
13127 Boy Jasiel The strength of god
13128 Boy Jasinder Glory of god
13129 Boy Jasjeet Glorious victory
13130 Boy Jasjeev To live with glory
13131 Boy Jasjinder Glory of god
13132 Boy Jasjit Glorious victory
13133 Boy Jasjot Flame of glory
13134 Boy Jaskamal Glory of lotus
13135 Boy Jaskanwal Glory of lotus
13136 Boy Jaskaram Glorious destiny
13137 Girl Jaskaran One who sings praises of the lord
13138 Boy Jaskaran Good deeds
13139 Boy Jaskaran Good deeds
13140 Boy Jaskaran Good deeds
13141 Boy Jaskaran Good deeds
13142 Boy Jaskeerat One who sings praises of the lord
13143 Girl Jaskeerat One who sings praises of the lord
13144 Boy Jaskeerat Sing god's praises or glory
13145 Boy Jaskeerat Sing god's praises or glory
13146 Girl Jaskeerat One who sings praises of the lord
13147 Girl Jaskeerat One who sings praises of the lord
13148 Girl Jaskeerat;jaskirat One who sings praises of the lord
13149 Boy Jaskiran Light of glory
13150 Girl Jaskirat One who sings praises of the lord
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