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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'G'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2351 Boy Anshuman Blessed with long life, the sun, lord surya (sun)
2352 Girl Anshumati Wise, glorious, splendid
2353 Boy Anshvir God's part, lover of god
2354 Boy Ansin Son of the graceful one, has a share in the proper
2355 Boy Anson Son of agnes
2356 Boy Ansu Ray of light
2357 Boy Ansuka Leaf, ray, bright, tender, enlighten
2358 Boy Ansula Radiant, bright, enlightening
2359 Girl Ansumala A garland of rays
2360 Girl Ansumati Wise, glorious, splendid
2361 Girl Ansuya Learned woman, sage atri's wife
2362 Boy Antarbodh Radiating the divine light
2363 Boy Antaresh Name of a giant red star
2364 Boy Antarjot The divine light within, inner light
2365 Girl Antarjot The divine light within
2366 Girl Antarjot The divine light within
2367 Girl Antarjot Spiritual light or divine light within
2368 Boy Antarprakash Shinning light
2369 Girl Antarpreet One who loves the light within
2370 Girl Antarpreet One who loves the light within
2371 Girl Antarpreet One who loves the light within
2372 Girl Antarpreet One who loves the light within
2373 Boy Antarpreet One who loves the light within, deep, inner love
2374 Girl Antini Living in a hermitage
2375 Boy Antipas For all, or against all.
2376 Boy Antish Something special
2377 Girl Antonia Flourishing
2378 Boy Antony Priceless, highly praiseworthy, from a roman clan
2379 Girl Antra Middle part of a song
2380 Boy Anub A grape, a knot.
2381 Girl Anubam Add meaning
2382 Girl Anubama Divine blessing
2383 Girl Anubha Lightning
2384 Girl Anubha Like a star, lightning
2385 Girl Anubhuti Feelings
2386 Girl Anubhvya Known through expirence
2387 Boy Anubodha After thought, recollection
2388 Girl Anuca Add meaning
2389 Boy Anucakra Who works according to schedule, organized, planne
2390 Boy Anudaan Offering finance
2391 Girl Anudeepthi Divine light
2392 Girl Anudeepti Divine light
2393 Boy Anudesya Obedient, one who proceeds towards the goal
2394 Boy Anugra Not violent, gentle, mild, peace loving
2395 Boy Anugrah Divine blessing
2396 Girl Anugraha Divine blessing
2397 Girl Anugraha Divine blessing,
2398 Boy Anugraha Blessing, request
2399 Boy Anugtaha Grace, favor
2400 Boy Anugum Add meaning
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