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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'G'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
401 Boy Abdul-qahhar Servant of the subduer, the almighty
402 Boy Abdul-qaiyoum Servant of the self-sustaining
403 Boy Abdul-rasheed Servant of the rightly guided
404 Boy Abdul-wadud Servant of the loving
405 Boy Abdullah Servant of god
406 Boy Abdullah Servant of allah, one who serves the god, servant
407 Boy Abdussalaam Slave of the giver of peace
408 Boy Abdussami Slave of the all hearing
409 Boy Abdus-sameei Servant of the all-hearing
410 Boy Abdus-sameei Servant of the all-hearing
411 Girl Abeedah Worshipper, narrator of hadith, daughter of nabil
412 Boy Abeer Fragrance
413 Girl Abeer Fragrance
414 Girl Abeer Fragrance
415 Girl Abeer Fragrance
416 Boy Abeer Colour, fragrance
417 Girl Abeerah Rose, sandal saffron mixed together in a fragrance
418 Girl Abeni Girl prayed for
419 Boy Aberassithan Unbeatable, god
420 Girl Aberassithan Unbeatable, god
421 Boy Abha Shining, luster, glorious, beauty
422 Boy Abhaidev Free of fear, the protecting god, the god of prote
423 Boy Abhaijeev A fearless being
424 Boy Abhaijot Fearless guided by light
425 Boy Abhairaaj Fearless kingdom
426 Boy Abhaitek Having the fearless god support
427 Boy Abhaiveer Fearless and courageous
428 Boy Abhanja Add meaning
429 Girl Abhari Grateful
430 Girl Abharika The name of a goddess
431 Boy Abhas Feeling
432 Boy Abhas Splendour, light
433 Boy Abhasvara Shining one
434 Boy Abhat Shining, visible
435 Boy Abhata Shining, blazing
436 Boy Abhatha Add meaning
437 Girl Abhati Splendour, light
438 Girl Abhav Having the ability to be diffrent
439 Girl Abhavya Improper or fear-causing
440 Girl Abhayananda Delighting in fearless
441 Boy Abhayananda Delighting in fearlessness
442 Boy Abhayankar He who gives courage
443 Girl Abhayankari One who gives courage
444 Boy Abhayda Add meaning
445 Boy Abheenu Add meaning
446 Boy Abheer Mighty one
447 Girl Abheesha Goddess of will
448 Boy Abheeshek Consecrating or to crown
449 Girl Abheestha Ignorant
450 Girl Abhibha Fluttering
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