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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'H'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
651 Boy Abhirath Great charioteer
652 Girl Abhirka Wife of cowherd
653 Girl Abhiroop Handsome, pleasant
654 Boy Abhiroop Handsome
655 Boy Abhiroop Variant of 'abhirup'
656 Boy Abhiroop Handsome
657 Girl Abhiroopa Delightful, beloved
658 Boy Abhiruc The sun
659 Boy Abhiruca To be bright, to please
660 Boy Abhirup Pleasing, handsome, charming
661 Boy Abhirup Very nice, pleasing, handsome
662 Boy Abhirupa Pleasing form, handsome, charming, lord shiva and
663 Girl Abhirupi Pleasing, handsome, charming
664 Boy Abhisara To spread brightness
665 Girl Abhisarikaa The beloved one
666 Boy Abhisek Ritual or installed as a king, bathing of god
667 Boy Abhishek Blessing, shower of milk or water over an idol, an
668 Boy Abhishek Shower of milk
669 Girl Abhishikta Installed on a throne
670 Girl Abhishree To enlighten
671 Girl Abhishree To enlighten
672 Boy Abhishrey The credit of good deed, the dawn of the good
673 Girl Abhishri Surrounded with glory
674 Girl Abhishri To enlighten
675 Girl Abhishu Ray of light
676 Boy Abhisikta Anointed, enthroned
677 Boy Abhisri To spread brightness
678 Girl Abhisri Surrounded by glory, shining, powerful
679 Boy Abhisu Ray of light
680 Boy Abhisumant Radiant, another name of sun
681 Boy Abhisumat Radiant, another name of sun
682 Boy Abhisyanta Splendid, a son of kuru and vahini
683 Boy Abhisyanta Splendid, a son of kuru and vahini
684 Boy Abhita Everywhere
685 Boy Abhiudhya To enlighten
686 Boy Abhivadak One who salutes with respect
687 Girl Abhivakshita One who is protected
688 Boy Abhivandya One who is treated respectfully
689 Boy Abhivandya One who is treated respectfully
690 Boy Abhiveer One who commands, one who is surrounded by heroes
691 Boy Abhiveer One who commands, one who is surrounded by heroes
692 Boy Abhivira Surrounded by heroes, a commander
693 Boy Abhivira Surrounded by heroes, a commander
694 Boy Abhivira Surrounded by heroes, a commander
695 Boy Abhnivesh Long cherished desire, idea, resolution
696 Girl Abhpri Gladdening, refreshing
697 Girl Abhraganga The celestial ganga
698 Boy Abhrakasin With clouds for shelter, an ascetic
699 Boy Abhranaga Celestial elephant
700 Girl Abhranti Without error
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