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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'H'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2251 Girl Amrapali Famous courtesan who became a devotee of buddha
2252 Girl Amrapali Famous courtesan who became a devotee of buddha
2253 Girl Amrapali Disciple of buddha, a famous courtesan who became
2254 Boy Amraphel One that speaks of secrets
2255 Boy Amrik Nectar, god of the sky, perfectionist
2256 Girl Amrisha Truth
2257 Girl Amrita Deathless
2258 Girl Amrita Full of nectar, spiritual holy water, immortality
2259 Boy Amritajeet Deathless victory
2260 Boy Amritaka The nectar of immortality
2261 Boy Amritakar The moon
2262 Boy Amritalal One who is immortal
2263 Girl Amritamalini Eternally fresh garland
2264 Boy Amritapa Drinking nectar, lord vishnu
2265 Boy Amritasa Whose soul is immortal, lord vishnu
2266 Girl Amritaya The immortal, lord vishnu
2267 Boy Amritaya The immortal, lord vishnu
2268 Boy Amritesa Ruler of the immortals
2269 Boy Amritha Who is giving imortality, nector
2270 Girl Amrithavarshini The rain
2271 Girl Amriti Height and beautiful
2272 Girl Amritleen One imbued in the lord's nectar
2273 Girl Amritleen One imbued in the lord's nectar
2274 Girl Amritleen One imbued in the lord's nectar
2275 Boy Amritleen One imbued in the lord's nectar, imbued in lord
2276 Boy Amritpal One protected by the lord's nectar
2277 Boy Amritpal One protected by the lord's nectar
2278 Girl Amritpal One protected by the lord's nectar
2279 Boy Amritpal One protected by the lord's nectar
2280 Girl Amritpal One protected by the lord's nectar
2281 Girl Amritrashmi Moon light
2282 Girl Amritvarshini One who showers nectar
2283 Boy Amrta That which emits nectar, another name for the moon
2284 Girl Amrtama Food obtained from the ocean of the milk
2285 Girl Amrtamalini Eternally fresh garland
2286 Boy Amrtesa Ruler of the immortals
2287 Girl Amrutha A sacred liquid which makes living beings immortal
2288 Girl Amruthavalli Amrutha valli
2289 Girl Amruthavani Amrutha vani
2290 Boy Amruthamshu The moon
2291 Boy Amrutheswar Name of lord shiva
2292 Girl Amrutkiran Moon light
2293 Girl Amrutvarshini One of the ragas of classical melody
2294 Boy Amsan He is perfect
2295 Girl Amsaveni A ray of light
2296 Girl Amshamala A garland of rudraksh
2297 Boy Amshul Bright
2298 Girl Amshumala The sun
2299 Girl Amu The river amu
2300 Boy Amuda A liquid which when consumed makes the person live
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