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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'H'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
3101 Boy Arkabandhu Gautam budha
3102 Boy Arkadyuti Ray of the sun
3103 Boy Arkaja Born of the sun
3104 Boy Arkaprava Light of sun
3105 Boy Arkaprava The sun
3106 Boy Arkasa Illuminated by the sun
3107 Boy Arkash To enlighten, lighten up
3108 Boy Arkell Eagle helmet/protection
3109 Boy Arkeshwar The sun
3110 Boy Arkin The eternal kings son, radiant with light, shining
3111 Boy Arkka The substance, divine
3112 Boy Arledge Lake with the hares
3113 Girl Arleen Oath
3114 Boy Arley A short form of harley
3115 Girl Arlin Pledge, promise, oath
3116 Boy Armaan Wish, longing, soldier, famous bearer, desire
3117 Boy Armaan Wish, longing
3118 Boy Armaan Wish, desire
3119 Girl Armaani Wish, desire
3120 Boy Arman Wish, ideal, hope, aspiration, army man, french fo
3121 Boy Arman Wish, ideal, hope, aspiration, army man, french fo
3122 Boy Arman Wish, longing
3123 Boy Armand Bold/hardy man
3124 Boy Armandeepsingh Desire light
3125 Girl Armin Dweller of the garden of eden
3126 Girl Arminda The protector
3127 Boy Armon Castle, french form of herman, army man
3128 Boy Armugam One who grants emancipation speedily
3129 Girl Arna Mountain of strength, goddess lakshmi / durga
3130 Girl Arna Mountain of strength
3131 Girl Arnaa Mountain of strength
3132 Boy Arnadeep Light of sea
3133 Boy Arnavi Heart as big as ocean
3134 Boy Arnesh Lord of the sea
3135 Boy Arnesh Lord of the sea
3136 Boy Arnesh Lord of the sea
3137 Girl Arni The sun
3138 Girl Arnica Righteous arian (ancient persian nation)
3139 Boy Arnish Lord of the seas
3140 Girl Arnna Mountain of strength
3141 Boy Arnon Rushing stream, torrent valley, a river and wadi i
3142 Boy Arnon Rushing stream, torrent valley, a river and wadi i
3143 Boy Aroga Destroyer, shatterer
3144 Girl Arogyada Granter of good health
3145 Boy Arohan Climbing up, name of shiva
3146 Boy Aron Lofty, exalted, high mountain
3147 Girl Aroob Loving to her husband
3148 Girl Aroob (woman) loving to her husband
3149 Boy Aroon Mythical charioteer of the sun, dawn
3150 Boy Aroop Shapeless
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