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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Hand'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
151 Boy Gatravat With a handsome body
152 Girl Gopichandana Gopi chandana
153 Boy Hasan Laughter, good, beautiful, handsome, good looking
154 Boy Hasan Handsome, good, laughter
155 Boy Hassan Good, handsome, beautiful, one who beautifies
156 Boy Hassan Beautiful, handsome
157 Boy Hast Hand
158 Boy Hasta Hand
159 Boy Hastimalla With strong hands
160 Boy Hatha Hand
161 Boy Hemil Smart, handsome, cute, loving kid, gold
162 Boy Himakara Snow handed, causing cold, the moon
163 Boy Himanshu Another name of chandra
164 Boy Himi Handsome
165 Boy Hisham Generous, noble, handsome, beneficence, king of ge
166 Boy Hussein Beautiful, handsome one, good, small
167 Boy Ilavalagan Young and handsome
168 Boy Ilavalagan Young and handsome
169 Boy Imin Right hand
170 Boy Imnah Right hand, numbering, preparing
171 Boy Indrachandan Red chandan
172 Boy Indukanth Handsome like moon
173 Boy Inu Charming, lovely, handsome
174 Boy Irshad Guidance, direction, signal, guiding hand
175 Boy Irvin-irving Handsome
176 Boy Isainilavan Moon, handsome
177 Boy Jadau His hand, his confession
178 Boy Jamaal Beauty, handsome
179 Boy Jamal Handsome, being fair, beauty, grace, elegance, cam
180 Boy Jameel Beautiful, handsome
181 Boy Jamel Handsome
182 Boy Jamil Handsome, beautiful, grace, another name for god,
183 Boy Jamin Right hand, south wind
184 Boy Jamshid Handsome, sun's rays, lights
185 Boy Jawad Generous, open-handed, another name for god, ample
186 Boy Jawad Open-handed, generous
187 Boy Jayachandran Jaya- victory chandran- moon thejus- brightness
188 Boy Jayavel Lord muruga name, always victory, handsome
189 Boy Jedaiah 'the hand of the lord, confessing the lord'
190 Boy Jediah Hand of god
191 Boy Jeeva Life, nice person, life style, handsome
192 Boy Jimnah Right hand, numbering, preparing
193 Boy Kaavin Handsome, beautiful
194 Girl Kamini A handsome woman
195 Boy Kara Tax, hand, the cause of
196 Boy Karanja Born of hand, difficult to obtain
197 Boy Katama Best, excessively handsome
198 Boy Kaven Handsome
199 Girl Kavin Handsome, beautiful
200 Boy Kavin Handsome, beautiful
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