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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'I'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2801 Boy Alister Defender of mankind
2802 Girl Alita Small winged one, truthful, nobel
2803 Girl Aliveni Thick braid of hair
2804 Boy Alix Defender of mankind
2805 Girl Alixandria Defender of mankind comes from the male name alexa
2806 Girl Aliya Superior, finer, rising, ascending, high-born, the
2807 Girl Aliyah Rising
2808 Girl Aliyana Beautiful girl
2809 Girl Aliza Joyous, happiness, faithful, pious, honest
2810 Boy Alizeh Persian wind
2811 Girl Alka Diamond, a girl with a lovely hair, lock of curly
2812 Girl Alka Girl with beautiful long hair
2813 Boy Alkesh Lord of alkapuri
2814 Girl Alla Defender, nobility, the supreme spirit, mother, no
2815 Boy Allaistar Defender of mankind
2816 Girl Allanna Add meaning
2817 Boy Allaster Defender of mankind
2818 Boy Allastir Defender of mankind
2819 Boy Alleluia Praise the lord
2820 Girl Alli Greatest. a variant of allah - the supreme being i
2821 Girl Alli Long-tailed duck, noble, nobility, feminine of ale
2822 Girl Allikodi Alli flower vine
2823 Girl Allisha A form of alisha
2824 Boy Allistair Defender of mankind
2825 Boy Allu Stylish star
2826 Boy Allwyn Friend
2827 Girl Allya Sky, heaven, loftiness
2828 Girl Allysa Joy, great hapiness
2829 Boy Allysdair Defender of mankind
2830 Boy Allysdare Defender of mankind
2831 Girl Allysha Noble kind, of the noble sort
2832 Boy Allystair Defender of mankind
2833 Boy Allyster Defender of mankind
2834 Girl Alma Nourishing
2835 Girl Alma Nourishing
2836 Girl Alma Soul, with dark red lips, nourishing soul, all goo
2837 Boy Alman Kind, willing and wiseman
2838 Girl Almas A diamond, adamant, brightness
2839 Boy Almash Diamond adamant
2840 Boy Almeer Prince
2841 Boy Almir Prince
2842 Girl Almira Princess, truthful, aristocratic lady, basket for
2843 Girl Alo Light
2844 Boy Alobhin Not wanting or desiring anything, free from greed
2845 Boy Alok A man with lovely hair, cry of victory, lord subra
2846 Boy Alok Light
2847 Boy Alok;aalok Brightness, light, cry of victory, a man with love
2848 Boy Aloka Vision, sight, aspect, lustre, splendour
2849 Boy Alokdeep Lamp light
2850 Boy Aloke Light
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