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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Like'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
451 Girl Micki Who is like god
452 Boy Micky Who is like god?
453 Boy Miguel Who is like god
454 Boy Mihaly Who is like god?
455 Boy Mika Who is like god
456 Girl Mika Who is like god
457 Girl Mika Like god, gift from god, beautiful increase, new m
458 Girl Mikaela Who is like god
459 Boy Mikah Who is like god
460 Boy Mikail Who is like god
461 Boy Mike Who is like god?
462 Boy Mikeal Who is like god
463 Boy Mikel Who is like god
464 Boy Mikhael Who is like god
465 Girl Mikhaela Who is like god
466 Boy Miki Who is like god?
467 Girl Minnoli Brilliant like lightning
468 Boy Mique Who is like god
469 Boy Miquel Who is like god
470 Girl Misa Like a god
471 Boy Misael A form of michael, who is like god?
472 Boy Mischa Like the lord
473 Girl Misha Feminine of michael, like the lord, variant of mel
474 Girl Misha God like
475 Girl Mishael Who is like god!
476 Girl Misheeta Who is like god!
477 Girl Mishi Who is like god!
478 Boy Missael Who is like god
479 Boy Mitch Who is like god?
480 Boy Mitchell Who is like god?
481 Boy Mitul Like a friend, limited, friend
482 Boy Mordecai Warrior, warlike
483 Girl Mouthika Like a pearl
484 Girl Moutisha Like a pearl
485 Girl Mrigakshi One with deer like beautiful eyes
486 Girl Mrigakshi One with deer-like beautiful eyes
487 Boy Mrigalochan With eyes like that of a deer
488 Boy Mrigalochan One with deer like beautiful eyes
489 Girl Mriganayani One with deer- like beautiful eyes
490 Boy Mukhi To have mouth towards like
491 Boy Muthalagan Handsome like a gem
492 Girl Muthalagi Beautiful like a pearl
493 Girl Muthalagi Beautiful like a pearl, see muthu & mutholi
494 Girl Muthammal Beautiful like a pearl, pure, like a pearl
495 Girl Muthammal Pure, like a pearl
496 Boy Muthan Like a pearl
497 Girl Mutharasi Beautiful queen like a pearl
498 Girl Muthelil Beautiful like a pearl
499 Girl Mutholi Shines like a pearl
500 Girl Mutholi Like the shine on a pearl, shines like a pearl
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