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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Lord o'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
901 Boy Ranadeva Lord of battles
902 Boy Ranadeva Lord of battles
903 Boy Randev Lord of battle
904 Boy Ranganatha Lord of love
905 Boy Rangnath Lord of love
906 Boy Ranjeesh The lord of night
907 Boy Rapinder Lord of beauty
908 Boy Rasesa Lord of the sentiments
909 Boy Rasesha Lord of the sentiments
910 Boy Ratesh Lord of truth
911 Boy Rathindra Lord of the chariot
912 Boy Ratisa Lord of rati
913 Boy Ratnagarbh Lord of love
914 Boy Ratnagiri Lord of muruga
915 Boy Ratnesh Lord of jewels, diamond, lord kuber
916 Boy Raveesh Lord of the sun
917 Boy Ravish Lord of sun, sun
918 Boy Reetinder Lord of traditions
919 Girl Renesh Lord of love
920 Boy Renesh Lord of love
921 Boy Renesh Lord of love
922 Boy Renit Lord of love, victory
923 Boy Rickwinder Lord of protection
924 Boy Rishikesh Lord of the senses, vishnu
925 Boy Ritesh Lord of seasons
926 Boy Ritesh Lord of truth, riti means tradition and esh means
927 Girl Ritesh Lord of truth
928 Girl Rithanya Lord of truth
929 Boy Rithish Lord of truth
930 Boy Rithish Lord of truth
931 Girl Rithsika Lord of truth
932 Boy Ritinder Lord of traditions
933 Boy Ritish Lord of love
934 Boy Roopdev Lord of beauty
935 Boy Roopesha Lord of beauty
936 Boy Rupendra Lord of the form
937 Boy Rupendra Lord of the form
938 Boy Rupesh Lord of beauty
939 Boy Rupesh God of beauty, lord of beauty
940 Boy Rupeshwar Lord of the form, lord of beauty
941 Boy Rupeshwar Lord of the form
942 Boy Rupinder Lord of the form
943 Boy Rupinder Lord of the form
944 Girl Rupinder Lord of beauty
945 Boy Rushik Lord of earth
946 Boy Rushik Lord of earth
947 Boy Ruturaj Lord of all seasons
948 Boy Sabaoth Lord of hosts
949 Boy Sabareesh Lord of sabari hill
950 Boy Sabareesh Lord of sabari hill
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