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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'My'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
351 Girl Lisabet My god is an oath (elizabeth)
352 Girl Lisabeth My god is an oath (elizabeth)
353 Girl Lisha Full of mystery, derived from alicia, sweet, hones
354 Boy Lisha Full of mystery
355 Girl Lisset My god is an oath (elizabeth)
356 Girl Lissette My god is an oath (elizabeth)
357 Girl Liz My god is an oath (elizabeth)
358 Girl Lizabeth My god is an oath (elizabeth)
359 Girl Lizbet My god is an oath (elizabeth)
360 Girl Lizett My god is an oath (elizabeth)
361 Girl Lizette My god is an oath (elizabeth)
362 Girl Lizzette My god is an oath (elizabeth)
363 Boy Lo-ammi Not my people.
364 Boy Lotan Wrapped up, hidden, covered, myrrh, rosin.
365 Girl Ma Mother, mom, mummy
366 Girl Maaira Uncertain, perhaps myrrh, onguent
367 Girl Maira Uncertain, perhaps myrrh, onguent
368 Girl Mairaa Uncertain, perhaps myrrh, onguent
369 Boy Major Greater, senior, an office in the army, lord kamde
370 Boy Makaran The mythical sea monster, the vehicle of god varun
371 Boy Malachi My messenger
372 Boy Malay A mountain of sandalwood's tree located near mysor
373 Boy Malchiah The lord my king, or my counselor
374 Boy Malchiel God is my king, or counselor
375 Boy Malchijah The lord my king, or my counselor
376 Boy Malchus My king, kingdom, or counselor
377 Boy Malyadri Another name of narasimha swamy
378 Girl Manahethites My lady, my prince of rest
379 Girl Mandara Mythical tree
380 Boy Manidhar A mythical snake with jewel in its hood
381 Boy Manidhar A mythical snake with jewel in its hood
382 Boy Markanday Shiva's devotee, a sage who wrote devi mahatmyam
383 Boy Maro Myself, bitter
384 Boy Mather Powerful army
385 Girl Mayree My, mine
386 Girl Mayree My, mine
387 Boy Melchi My king, my counsel
388 Boy Melchiah God is my king
389 Boy Mephibosheth Out of my mouth proceeds reproach.
390 Boy Meremoth Bitterness, myrrh of death.
391 Boy Merlin Famous mountain in hindu mythology, high point
392 Boy Meru Famous mountain in hindu mythology, high point
393 Boy Meru Famous mountain in 4 mythology, high point
394 Boy Mihit Name of sun in indian mythology
395 Boy Milalai Circumcision, my talk.
396 Girl Mlanima Gloomy
397 Girl Moon Slave, myth name, letters
398 Girl Moria My teacher is god
399 Girl Moriah God is my teacher, bible ref.:  2 chronicles 3:1,
400 Boy Musa Moses, drawn out of the water, enemy to the gods o
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