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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Name of'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1 Boy Aaban Name of the angel
2 Girl Aaboli Name of a flower
3 Boy Aadhyay Name of god
4 Girl Aadya One who is always first and best, name of adisakth
5 Girl Aakhyaa Name of vishnu
6 Girl Aaminah Safe, secured, name of the beloved mother of the p
7 Girl Aamrapaali Name of hindu goddess
8 Girl Aamuktamalya Name of the poem written by an indian king sri kri
9 Boy Aanjaneya;anjaneya Son of anjani, name of hanuman
10 Girl Aaradhaya To worship, name of an ornament
11 Girl Aaranam Name of an ornament, ornament name
12 Girl Aaranam Name of an ornament
13 Boy Aarohan Climbing up, name of shiva
14 Boy Aarshab It's an another name of shri krishna
15 Boy Aarshabh It's an another name of shri krishna
16 Boy Aarshabh Its an another name of sri krishna
17 Girl Aashlesha Name of a nakhtra
18 Boy Aashu Its a another name of lord shiva.
19 Girl Aaslesha Name of star
20 Girl Aasrithamandara Name of lord rama
21 Boy Aatish Fireworks, explosive, dynamic person, name of lord
22 Boy Aatreya Name of a sage
23 Boy Aatreya Name of a sage
24 Girl Aatreya Name of a sage
25 Boy Abdus Name of the narrator of one of the hadith
26 Girl Abharika The name of a goddess
27 Boy Abhisumant Radiant, another name of sun
28 Boy Abhisumat Radiant, another name of sun
29 Girl Aboil The name of a flower
30 Girl Aboil The name of a flower
31 Girl Aboil The name of a flower
32 Boy Achintya Release of tensions, inconceivable, a name of lord
33 Boy Achyut Imperishable, a name of vishnu, lord krishna
34 Boy Achyut Imperishable, a name of vishnu
35 Boy Achyut;achyuta Imperishable, indestructible, a name of vishnu
36 Boy Achyut;achyuta Imperishable, indestructible, a name of vishnu
37 Boy Achyutam Imperishable, a name of vishnu, similar to achyut
38 Boy Adharv Name of ganesha, the first vedas
39 Boy Adharva Name of ganesha, the first vedas
40 Boy Adhiraiyan Name of lord shiva in tamil
41 Girl Adhirohan Name of a king
42 Boy Adhiyamaan Name of a king
43 Boy Adhrutha Another name of vishnu
44 Boy Aditey Another name of the sun
45 Girl Adna Pleasure, delight, in the bible, name of two israe
46 Boy Adnan Name of god, proper name, good fortune, from kikuy
47 Boy Agastaya Name of a wise man
48 Boy Agasthya A name of a sage
49 Girl Agasthya A name of a sage, a star
50 Boy Agasti Name of a sage
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