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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Name of'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1151 Boy Unkarjit Victory in the name of god
1152 Boy Unkarjit Victory in the name of god
1153 Boy Unkarpreet Love for the name of god
1154 Boy Unkarpreet Love for the name of god
1155 Boy Upagupta Name of a buddish nonk
1156 Boy Upagupta Name of a buddhist monk
1157 Boy Upamanyu Name of a devoted pupil
1158 Boy Upamanyu Name of a devoted pupil
1159 Boy Uthman A baby bustard bird, name of the third khalifah of
1160 Girl Vaagai Name of a beautiful flower
1161 Girl Vaagai Name of a beautiful flower
1162 Girl Vaahila Name of air
1163 Boy Vaaman Name of vishnu
1164 Boy Vaamdev Name of a shiva
1165 Girl Vaamya Name of vishnu
1166 Boy Vadivel Name of lord shanmukha
1167 Boy Vadivelu Name of lord shanmukha
1168 Boy Vaettiyarasan Name of a village
1169 Boy Vagishan Name of lord shiva
1170 Girl Vagmi Name of god vishnu or good speaker
1171 Girl Vaidehi Name of sita
1172 Girl Vaijanthi Name of a flower
1173 Boy Vaikartan Name of karna
1174 Boy Vaikartan Name of karna
1175 Boy Vairamuthu Name of gemstones, diamond, pearl
1176 Boy Vaishak Its name of good and nice
1177 Boy Vaishak It's name of good and nice
1178 Girl Vaishali Name of an ancient city
1179 Girl Vaishu Goddess laxmi, nickname of vaishnavi
1180 Girl Vajra Diamond, name of the armament in the hand of indra
1181 Boy Vallimayilan Another name for god murugan, name of lord shanmuk
1182 Boy Vallimayilan Name of lord shanmukha
1183 Boy Vamdev Name of a shiva
1184 Boy Vamdev Name of a shiva
1185 Girl Vamshadhara Name of a river
1186 Boy Vamsi Name of a raaga
1187 Girl Vansha Offspring, daughter, name of an apsara who was dau
1188 Girl Vanshda Offspring, daughter, name of an apsara who was dau
1189 Girl Vanshi The one who progresses the name of her family by b
1190 Girl Vanshikha The one who progresses the name of her family by b
1191 Girl Vansika The one who progresses the name of her family by b
1192 Boy Varadaraaj Another name of vishnu
1193 Boy Varadaraj Another name of vishnu
1194 Boy Varadaraj Another name of vishnu
1195 Girl Varuna Wife of the lord of the sea, name of a river, wife
1196 Boy Vashisht Name of a guru
1197 Boy Vashisht Name of a guru
1198 Boy Vasist Name of a guru
1199 Boy Vasisth Name of a rishi
1200 Boy Vasistha Name of a sage
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