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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'On'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
5651 Girl Joginder Establishing union with god, lord shiva
5652 Boy Jogprakash Union with the light
5653 Boy Jogvichaar Reflections to attain union with god
5654 Girl Johnna Consecrated to god
5655 Boy Johnson Son of john
5656 Boy Johnson Son of john, variant of the john
5657 Boy Jojo Monday born
5658 Boy Jojo Born on monday, from fante
5659 Boy Joktan Small dispute, contention, disgust.
5660 Boy Jones Variant of jonah
5661 Boy Jordan One who descends
5662 Boy Josa Approval, pleasure, satisfaction
5663 Boy Jose May god give increase, god will add another son
5664 Girl Jose Raised, who pardons
5665 Boy Joseph Increase, addition.
5666 Boy Joseph-joey-joe God will increase, bible ref.: genesis 30:25, son
5667 Boy Joses Raised, who pardons.
5668 Boy Josh Jehovah is salvation
5669 Boy Josh Happiness, form of joshua, jehovah is salvation
5670 Girl Josh Emotion
5671 Girl Josh Emotion
5672 Boy Joshaviah The seat, alteration, or captivity of the lord.
5673 Boy Joshawa God is salvation
5674 Boy Joshik Satisfaction, pleasure, approval, happiness, with
5675 Girl Joshna Jehovah is salvation
5676 Boy Joshua Yahweh is salvation
5677 Boy Joshua Jehovah saves, the lord is salvation, yahweh, funn
5678 Boy Joshua God is my salvation
5679 Boy Joshue God is my salvation
5680 Boy Jotham The perfection of the lord.
5681 Boy Jotnivaas One who resides in light
5682 Girl Joystna Moonlit
5683 Boy Juayl Contentious, inclined to quarrel, argumentative
5684 Boy Jubin Honorable, righteous
5685 Girl Judaea The praise of the lord, confession
5686 Boy Judaea The praised one
5687 Boy Judas Praised, bible ref.: matthew 26:25, one of twelve
5688 Boy Judea The praised one
5689 Boy Judson Son of judd
5690 Boy Jugaad One who is there since ages
5691 Boy Jugraj Patient, meticulous person
5692 Boy Juhaym Sullen, a companion of the prophet pbuh was so nam
5693 Boy Juhu A tongue, a flame
5694 Boy Jujhar One who struggles
5695 Boy Jujhar One who struggles
5696 Boy Jujhar One who struggles
5697 Boy Jujhar One who struggles
5698 Girl Jully Name of a month
5699 Boy Jumah Born on friday
5700 Boy Jumah Born on friday
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