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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'On'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
7451 Boy Mrinank Moon
7452 Boy Mrinank Moon
7453 Boy Mrinanka Moon
7454 Boy Mrinendra Lion
7455 Boy Mrinendra Lion
7456 Boy Mritunjay Who has won over death
7457 Boy Mrityuanjaya Conqueror of death
7458 Boy Mrityuanjaya Conqueror of death, lord shiva
7459 Girl Mrnalini A collection of lotuses
7460 Girl Mruda Parvati, affectionate
7461 Girl Mrugaja Son of moon
7462 Boy Mrugesh Lion
7463 Boy Mrutyunjay One who has won over death, one who is immortal
7464 Boy Muawwiz Companion who participated in the battle of badr
7465 Boy Muballigh Preacher, he who conveys, one who preaches / propa
7466 Boy Mubarak Congratulations
7467 Boy Mubarak Congratulations
7468 Boy Mubarak Congratulations, blessed, auspicious, happy, fortu
7469 Girl Mubassirah One who comments
7470 Girl Mubeenah One who makes clear
7471 Girl Mubinah Manifest, clear, one who clarifies
7472 Girl Mubinah Manifest, clear, one who clarifies
7473 Boy Mudil Moonshine
7474 Boy Mudil Moonshine
7475 Girl Mudra Healing hand movement, expression
7476 Boy Mudra Healing hand movement, expression
7477 Boy Mueen One who helps, helper, assistant
7478 Boy Mueez A person who gives shelter / protection
7479 Boy Mufaddal One who is preferred, he who is honoured
7480 Boy Mufallah One who prospers
7481 Boy Muhafiz Preserver, guardian, one who protects, custodian
7482 Boy Muhamad The prophet, moonshine
7483 Boy Muhdee One who presents
7484 Boy Mujaddid One who renews / renovates / refreshes
7485 Boy Mujazziz One who cuts off, a companion, al-mudliji
7486 Boy Mujeeb Name of god, responder
7487 Boy Mukhendu Has a face as lovely as the moon
7488 Girl Muktakesha One who has open tresses
7489 Boy Muktesha Lord of liberated persons
7490 Boy Mukthesh Sanctification
7491 Girl Mukti Freedom from life and death, liberation, valuable
7492 Boy Mukti Salvation, freedom
7493 Boy Mukti Salvation, freedom
7494 Girl Mulapurusha Liberation
7495 Boy Mularaja First root of creation
7496 Boy Mulayl A companion
7497 Boy Mumtaz Conspicuous, exquisite, one who is distinguished
7498 Boy Mumtaz Conspicuous
7499 Girl Mumukshya Desire for liberation
7500 Boy Mundhir Warner, cautioner
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