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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Or o'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
201 Boy Hanspal Protector of great soul
202 Boy Haravira A warrior of god
203 Boy Harbeer Warrior of god
204 Girl Harbeer Warrior of god
205 Boy Harbeer Warrior of god
206 Girl Harbir Warrior of god
207 Girl Harbir Warrior of god
208 Boy Harbir Warrior of god
209 Girl Harbir Warrior of god
210 Girl Harbir Warrior of god
211 Boy Harbir Warrior of god
212 Boy Harbir Warrior of god
213 Boy Harcharanpal Protector of lord's feet
214 Boy Harcharanpal Protector of lord's feet
215 Boy Harischandra An ancient king, ancestor of lord rama who is know
216 Boy Harishchandra A honest king, an ancestor of lord sri ram
217 Boy Harishkumar An ancestor of lord sri ram
218 Boy Harkiratpal Protector of the god's praisers
219 Boy Harmandarpal Protector of the house of god
220 Boy Harmanjodh Warrior of god's heart
221 Boy Harmanpal Protector of god's heart
222 Boy Harsavardhana Creator of happiness, increases joy
223 Boy Harshavardan Creator of joy
224 Boy Harshavardhan Creator of joy
225 Boy Hartejpal Protector of the glow of god
226 Boy Havih Oblation or offerings.
227 Boy Havih Oblation or offerings
228 Girl Hayrah Narrator of hadith from the generation after the c
229 Boy Helkath-hazzurim The field of strong men, or of rocks
230 Boy Hetpaul Protector of love
231 Girl Hezal The color of rising sun, a nut
232 Boy Himmatpal Protector of courage
233 Boy Horonites Men of anger, or of fury, or of liberty
234 Girl Hrittika All stars power in favor of
235 Girl Humaydah Narrator of hadith
236 Boy Husanpal Protector of charm
237 Boy Hushathite Man of haste, or of silence
238 Boy Hushim Man of haste, or of silence
239 Boy Ibhya Possessor of many attendants
240 Boy Ibhya Possessor of many attendants
241 Boy Iim Heaps of hebrews, or of angry men
242 Boy Ijjatpal Protector of dignity
243 Boy Ijjatpal Protector of dignity
244 Boy Illakiyamynthan Inventor of the corn
245 Boy Illanillavan Perpetuator of the kuru race
246 Boy Inderjit Conqueror of indra
247 Boy Inderpal Protector of indra
248 Boy Indradamana Conqueror of indra
249 Boy Indrajit Victor over indra
250 Boy Indrajit Victor over indra
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