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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Our'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
651 Girl Rabia Famous, godly, spring, the fourth female
652 Girl Ragamaya Full of passion, music, colour
653 Boy Rajat Silver courage, silver, courage
654 Boy Rajavardhana Courage
655 Girl Rajkala The king whose skin colour is black
656 Boy Ramra Splendour
657 Girl Ramra Splendour
658 Boy Ranai Courageous man, protector
659 Boy Ranga Colourful
660 Girl Rangammal Splendour
661 Boy Rangaraj King of colours
662 Boy Ranginwala Person of colours
663 Girl Ranginwala Person of colours
664 Girl Rangita Charming, coloured
665 Boy Rangith Well coloured
666 Boy Rangith Well couloured
667 Boy Rangjog One coloured in the union of god
668 Boy Rangraman One coloured in god's love
669 Boy Rangratti Imbued in colour of love of god
670 Girl Rania Contented, queen, short form of ourania, she who g
671 Boy Rasanbir Elixir of courage
672 Girl Rasaramya Drinking the elixir of courage
673 Girl Rasbir Drinking the elixir of courage
674 Girl Rasbir Drinking the elixir of courage
675 Boy Rasbir Drinking the elixir of courage
676 Boy Rasbir Drinking the elixir of courage
677 Boy Rasbir Drinking the elixir of courage
678 Boy Rasbir Elixir of courage
679 Boy Rasraj King of flavours
680 Girl Ratchika Protector, saviour
681 Girl Ratnalekha Splendour of jewels
682 Boy Raunaq One who lives in splendour, glitter
683 Boy Raunaq One who lives in splendour, glitter
684 Girl Ravneet Source of light
685 Boy Rayhan Sweet basil, fragrance, favoured by god
686 Boy Reba The fourth, a square, that lies or stoops down.
687 Boy Rechab Square, chariot with team of four horses.
688 Boy Reda Contentment, satisfaction, favour
689 Girl Rhesa Will, course
690 Girl Rithuvarna Colour season
691 Girl Roona Red colour, lakshmi
692 Girl Rubina The red gemstone, red, ruby, flower, red-coloured
693 Girl Ruca Splendour
694 Girl Runali Red coloured, lakshmi
695 Girl Saambhaveepriya Source of bliss
696 Girl Saarpreet Essence of love, favour or fortune of god's love
697 Girl Saarpreet Essence of love, favour or fortune of god's love
698 Boy Sabhajit Honoured praised celebrated
699 Boy Sabhajit Honoured praised celebrated
700 Boy Sabhajit Honoured praised celebrated
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