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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'People'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
101 Boy Lokpal Protector of the people
102 Boy Lokpal Protector of the people
103 Boy Lokpreet One who loves people
104 Boy Lokpreet One who loves people
105 Boy Lokprem One who loves people
106 Boy Lokprem One who loves people
107 Boy Lokraaj Rule of the people
108 Boy Lokraaj Rule of the people
109 Boy Lokroop Embodiment of the people
110 Boy Lokroop Embodiment of the people
111 Girl Lokya A group of people
112 Boy Mabad A place of worship, many of the prominent people h
113 Girl Manhitha Goodwill of people
114 Girl Masaba Masaba people
115 Girl Nakita Victory of the people, unconquerable
116 Boy Nicholas Victory of the people, victorious person, people o
117 Boy Nicholas Victory of the people
118 Boy Nick Victory of the people
119 Boy Nickolas Victory of the people
120 Boy Nicks People's victory
121 Girl Nicky People's victory
122 Boy Nicky Victory of the people
123 Boy Nicodemus Conqueror of the people
124 Boy Nicodemus Victory of the people, victorious person
125 Boy Nicolas Victory of the people
126 Girl Nicole Victorious people
127 Girl Nicole People of victory
128 Girl Nicolettenicole Peoples victory
129 Boy Nik;nick Good, victorious people
130 Boy Nikesh The god, man who save people, lord vishnu
131 Girl Nikhitha Earth, victorious people
132 Girl Nikki Victorious people
133 Girl Nikki Victory of the people, of the lord, victory, two t
134 Boy Nikki Victory of the people, of the lord, victory, two t
135 Boy Nikky People's victory
136 Boy Nikolas Victory of the people
137 Boy Nil Triumph of the people
138 Boy Niles Champion, son of neil, people's victory, smooth, p
139 Boy Nripal Protector of the people
140 Boy Rehoboam Who sets the people at liberty.
141 Girl Roshika Never forgotten by people
142 Girl Roshika Never forgotten by people
143 Girl Shribhadra A goddess, best among people
144 Girl Sreebhadra Best among people, a goddess
145 Boy Sreekumar Desire for assotiasion with people
146 Girl Sukhvir Kind to other people
147 Girl Suprajaa Goodness of all people
148 Boy Surjanmeet Friend of the godly people
149 Boy Theobald People-bold
150 Boy Toal Ruler of the people
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