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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Po'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1251 Boy Sahaujas Endowed with strength or power
1252 Boy Sahavan Possessing strength, mighty
1253 Boy Sahendra Resembling god indra in power
1254 Boy Sahisht Strongest, most powerful
1255 Boy Saikiranbabu Sai=god name,kiran=powerful as rays of sun,
1256 Girl Saihaj Peaceful and equipoised person
1257 Boy Saihaj Peaceful, gentle, soft, patient, equipoise person
1258 Boy Saihaj Peaceful and equipoised person
1259 Boy Saihaj Peaceful and equipoised person
1260 Boy Saihajamrit Imbued in nectar and equipoise
1261 Boy Saihajseetal One in equipoise and tranquillity
1262 Boy Saijeevadhara Support of all living beings
1263 Boy Saijeevadhara Support of all living beings
1264 Girl Saishakthi Sai's power
1265 Girl Sajwa Calm,polite
1266 Girl Sakarath Purposeful
1267 Girl Sakarath Purposeful
1268 Girl Sakat Power
1269 Girl Sakat Power
1270 Boy Saksham Able powerful
1271 Girl Sakthi Power, god
1272 Girl Sakti Energy, goodness, power
1273 Boy Sakti Power
1274 Boy Saktipada Feet of power
1275 Girl Sakya Possible
1276 Boy Salisbury Fort at the willow pool
1277 Girl Salonika Name of a gulf and seaport in greece
1278 Girl Samanvi One who poses all best qualities
1279 Girl Samanvi One who poses all best qualities
1280 Girl Samanvita One who poses all best qualities
1281 Girl Samanvitha One who poses all best qualities
1282 Boy Samardh Powerful, lord krishna
1283 Boy Samardh Powerful
1284 Boy Samarth Powerful
1285 Boy Sambhar Supporter, bestower
1286 Boy Samhit A vedic composition
1287 Girl Samhita A vedic composition, vedic om position, god
1288 Girl Samhita A vedic omposition
1289 Boy Samhita A vedic composition
1290 Girl Samhitha A vedic composition
1291 Girl Sampangi Possessed with a balanced body
1292 Boy Samrath Mighty and powerful
1293 Boy Samrath Mighty and powerful
1294 Boy Samrath All powerful
1295 Boy Samrathdeep Mighty and powerful lamp
1296 Boy Samrth Powerful, lord krishna
1297 Boy Sanbhavya Lord of possiblity
1298 Girl Sanchayita A poem which was written by ravindra nath tagore
1299 Boy Sangod With water pond lake
1300 Boy Sankil Possessed with fire a burning torch
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