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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Red'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
751 Boy Raktapallav A red leaf
752 Boy Raktatpal The red lotus
753 Boy Raktim Red
754 Boy Ralf Redclearing/wood
755 Boy Ranaraktim Red
756 Girl Ranga Red
757 Boy Ranga One who is colored in naam
758 Boy Ranga One who is colored in naam
759 Boy Ranga One who is colored in naam
760 Boy Rangalal Red color
761 Girl Rangita Charming, coloured
762 Boy Rangith Well coloured
763 Boy Rangith Well couloured
764 Boy Rangjog One coloured in the union of god
765 Girl Rangjot One colored in the union of god
766 Boy Rangjot One colored in the union of god
767 Boy Rangjot One colored in the union of god
768 Boy Rangjot One colored in the union of god
769 Girl Rangjot One colored in the union of god
770 Girl Rangjot One colored in the union of god
771 Boy Rangjot One colored in the union of god
772 Boy Rangraman One coloured in god's love
773 Boy Ras Head, an ethiopian title, loved, desired, sweet
774 Boy Ras Head, an ethiopian title, loved, desired, sweet
775 Girl Ratanjali Red sandal wood
776 Girl Ratnakumaari Gem adored young lady
777 Boy Ravisu Desired by the sun
778 Boy Ravitejareddy Ravitejareddy
779 Boy Rayhan Favored by god
780 Boy Rayhan Sweet basil, fragrance, favoured by god
781 Boy Reading Son of the red wanderer
782 Boy Reagan Red-headedruddy
783 Boy Redfort Red river crossing
784 Boy Redley Red meadow, meadow with reeds
785 Boy Redpath Red path
786 Boy Reed Red-headed, red haired, ruddy complexioned
787 Boy Reed Red, reeds
788 Boy Rehyaaz Redhead
789 Boy Rick A short form of frederick, richard
790 Girl Rida Favored by god
791 Boy Ritam Divine truth, sacred action, beautiful
792 Boy Ritam Divine truth, sacred action, beautiful
793 Boy Ritayu Follower of the sacred law
794 Boy Rob Little red one
795 Boy Rochan Red lotus, bright
796 Boy Rochan Red lotus, bright
797 Boy Rochan Red lotus, bright
798 Girl Rocio Covered in dew
799 Boy Rock Covered in dew
800 Boy Roden Red valley
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