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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'She'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
501 Boy Sukhsharan Peace in taking shelter in guru
502 Boy Sukhsharan Peace in taking shelter in guru
503 Girl Sumanah Narrator of hadith, she was the daughter of hamdan
504 Girl Sumaytah She was a companion and she was al-haysiah
505 Boy Supreet Cherished much
506 Boy Supreet Cherished much
507 Boy Sushil Susheel
508 Girl Tabalah Narrator of hadith, she was the daughter of yazid
509 Boy Tarpelite 'ravisher, succession of miracles'
510 Boy Tatraman One who cherishes truth
511 Boy Tatraman One who cherishes truth
512 Girl Thanvi Honourable, distinguished
513 Girl Umbelina She who gives protective shade
514 Boy Usher Usher, gate-keeper
515 Boy Valluvan Accomplished one
516 Boy Vance Thresher
517 Boy Vannan Washerman
518 Boy Varaprada Granter of wishes and boons
519 Boy Varaprada Granter of wishes and boons
520 Girl Varaprada Granting wishes
521 Boy Varuth Abode, shelter
522 Girl Vedapriya She is fond of the vedas
523 Girl Venya Lovable, wished for
524 Boy Vignaharta Demolisher of obstacles
525 Boy Vignaharta Demolisher of obstacles
526 Girl Vinosha Wishes
527 Boy Visesa Distinguished
528 Girl Vishishta Distinguished, excellent, one who is special, extr
529 Boy Vishishtha Distinguished, excellent, one who is special, extr
530 Girl Visishta Distinguished, excellent, one who is special, extr
531 Boy Vivikta Distinguished, solitary, clear, neat, pure
532 Boy Vivkta Pure, clear, distinguished
533 Girl Vrindavani She who eternally resides in the forests of vrinda
534 Boy Waiz The deliverer, admonisher, preacher, sermoniser
535 Girl Wajeeha Eminent, distinguished
536 Girl Wajihah Eminent, distinguished
537 Girl Yachna Sing, prathna, establishes
538 Girl Yekshithaa Finisher
539 Girl Zoheret She shines
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