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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Sun'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
101 Boy Aditpreet Love for the sun
102 Boy Adittya The sun
103 Boy Aditya The sun
104 Boy Aditya Sun, the sun, as bright as sun, lord surya, son of
105 Girl Aditya Goddess parvati, sun, the first, lord of the sun
106 Boy Adityavardhan One who embellishes the sun
107 Boy Adityanandan Son of the sun
108 Boy Adityanandan;adityanandana Son of the sun
109 Girl Adityanandana Son of the sun
110 Boy Adityanandana Son of the sun
111 Boy Adityapreet Love for the sun
112 Boy Adityaraj Sun
113 Boy Adityavardhan One who embellishes the sun
114 Boy Adityavardhana Increases glory, augmented by the sun
115 Boy Adityesh First, sun
116 Boy Advitya Synonym of sun or one which has no end
117 Boy Aftaab The sun
118 Boy Aftab Sun, sunlight
119 Boy Aftab The sun
120 Girl Aftab The sun
121 Boy Aftab-aftaab The sun
122 Boy Aftab-aftaab The sun
123 Girl Aftab;aaftab The sun
124 Boy Aftab;aftaab The sun
125 Boy Agira The sun, fire
126 Boy Agnideepak Increasung appetite
127 Girl Agrasandhya Sunrise
128 Boy Ahanmani Jewel of the day, the sun
129 Girl Ahanna First ray of the sun
130 Boy Ahannatha Lord of the day, the sun
131 Boy Ahanpati Lord of the day, lord shivaand the sun
132 Boy Aharmani Jewel of the day, sun
133 Boy Aharpati Lord of the day, another name for sun and shiva
134 Boy Aharshi Sun
135 Boy Ahi Fawn, serpent, cloud, water, sun
136 Girl Ahimakar One who gives warmth, the sun
137 Boy Ahnay As bright as the sun
138 Boy Ainesh The sun's glory
139 Boy Ainesh Sun's glory
140 Boy Ainesh The sun's glory
141 Girl Ainesh The sun's glory
142 Girl Ainora Sun's glory
143 Girl Ajimi Son of sun
144 Boy Ajneesh Sunshine
145 Boy Akhilarka All pervading radiance and brilliance of sun
146 Girl Akhilarka All pervading radiance and brilliance of sun
147 Girl Akrita Daughter who is having rights of sun
148 Boy Alap Development of the tune before the song is sung
149 Girl Alayna Precious, sun ray
150 Girl Alaynah Precious, sun ray
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