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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Th'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
5701 Boy Ikshit Desired, done with intention
5702 Boy Iksuda That which gives sweetness, sweet tongued
5703 Boy Iksul Teeth
5704 Girl Ila Earth, daughter of manu
5705 Girl Ila Earth
5706 Boy Ilachandra Moon of earth
5707 Girl Iladevi Goddess of the earth
5708 Boy Iladhara Upholder of the earth
5709 Boy Ilaiyavan Youthful
5710 Boy Ilaiyavan Youthful
5711 Girl Ilakhumi Earth, daughter of manu
5712 Boy Ilakiyen Youthful
5713 Girl Ilakshi Cheerful woman with clear eyes
5714 Boy Ilamadhi Youthful and brilliant
5715 Boy Ilamaran Youthful, brave
5716 Boy Ilamaran Youthful and brave
5717 Boy Ilampuli Young tiger, get exactly what they go after
5718 Boy Ilamuhil Youthful
5719 Boy Ilamuhil Youthful, see muhilan, also mukil
5720 Boy Ilamurugu Youthful god murugan, also ilamurugan, young lord
5721 Girl Ilanangai Youthful girl
5722 Boy Ilancheliyan Full of youthful potential
5723 Boy Ilancheliyan Full of youthful potential
5724 Boy Ilancheral Youthful
5725 Girl Ilanguyil Kuyil is a bird with melodious voice
5726 Girl Ilanguyil Kuyil - a bird with melodious voice, see kuyil, al
5727 Boy Ilanko Surface of the earth
5728 Boy Ilanthirayan Young man whose influence extends beyond the seas
5729 Boy Ilanthirayan Young man whose influence extends beyond the seas
5730 Boy Ilashpasti Lord of the earth
5731 Boy Ilashpasti Lord of the earth
5732 Boy Ilaspada Foot of the earth
5733 Boy Ilaspati Lord of the earth
5734 Boy Ilavarta Surrounding the earth
5735 Girl Ilavenil Spring, youthful
5736 Boy Ilayaperumal Lord of the earth
5737 Boy Ilesh Lord of earth
5738 Boy Ilesh Lord of earth
5739 Boy Ilhaam Lord of the earth
5740 Boy Ili A small sword, a knife, birth mark, blemish
5741 Girl Iliana The lord has responded
5742 Girl Ilika The earth
5743 Girl Ilika Small earth
5744 Boy Ilisa King of the earth
5745 Boy Ilisa King of the earth
5746 Girl Ilisa Queen of the earth
5747 Girl Ilisha Queen of the earth
5748 Girl Ilisha Queen of the earth
5749 Girl Ilisha My god is an oath
5750 Girl Illadchiya Person who lives with a goal
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