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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'To'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
501 Girl Belicia Dedicated to god
502 Boy Benton Ben's town, town on the moors
503 Girl Berenice Greek bringer of victory
504 Girl Bernice Bringer of victory
505 Girl Bernice Bringer of victory
506 Girl Bernice Bringer of victory
507 Girl Bernisha Victory bringer
508 Girl Bess Consecrated to god
509 Girl Bessie Consecrated to god
510 Girl Bethany Life-town near jerusalem
511 Girl Betsy Consecrated to god
512 Girl Bettina Consecrated to god
513 Girl Bettina Consecrated to god
514 Girl Betty Consecrated to god
515 Girl Bha Historic or religious
516 Boy Bhadanta Term of respect applied to a buddhist mendicant
517 Boy Bhadrapala Protector of goodness
518 Girl Bhagananda Bestower of happiness
519 Boy Bhagatjeet Devotee's victory
520 Boy Bhagatrang Coloured by devotion to god
521 Girl Bhaghwinder Devotion to the god of heaven
522 Girl Bhaghwinder Devotion to the god of heaven
523 Boy Bhagirath One who brought river ganga to the earth
524 Boy Bhagwantjeet Victory of god
525 Boy Bhajanjeet Victory of devotion
526 Boy Bhajanpal Protector of devotion
527 Boy Bhajanwant Completely devoted to god
528 Boy Bhakthavatsala Protector of devotees
529 Girl Bhaktivashya She who is to be won over by devotion
530 Boy Bhalinderjit Victory of the lord of light
531 Boy Bhanaviya Belonging to sun, sacred, glorious
532 Boy Bharatha Protector of the world, a king
533 Boy Bhargava Lord shiva, archer, preceptor
534 Boy Bhattara Noble lord, meritorious, virtuous
535 Boy Bhauman Belongs to the earth
536 Boy Bhaumana Belongs to the earth
537 Boy Bhaumik Part of earth, attached to the earth
538 Boy Bhavamanyu Inventor of the universe
539 Boy Bhavamanyu Creator of universe
540 Boy Bhavan Illuminating, creator
541 Boy Bhavana Illuminating, creator
542 Boy Bhavanjeet Pleasing victory
543 Boy Bhavin Touching, winner, gladiator
544 Boy Bhavpal Lord, the world's protector
545 Boy Bhavtaaran To swim across the world's ocean
546 Girl Bhawani Illuminating, creator
547 Girl Bhoomija Tolerant, ram's wife sita
548 Boy Bhramadev The creator
549 Boy Bhramagya One who has understood the supreme
550 Boy Bhramdev The creator
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