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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Un'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2451 Boy Naamjog Union with naam
2452 Boy Naamjog Union with naam
2453 Boy Nabam Morning sun
2454 Girl Nabami The ninth day of luner forthnight
2455 Girl Nabamita The ninth day of luner forthnight
2456 Boy Nabarun Morning sun
2457 Boy Nabarun Morning sun
2458 Boy Nabhomani Jewel of the sky, sun
2459 Boy Nabhomani Jewel of the sky ( sun)
2460 Boy Nachhatar A star, lunar mansion
2461 Boy Nadal Fortunate
2462 Boy Nadal Fortunate
2463 Girl Nadia Caller, moist, tender, delicate, hopeful, announce
2464 Boy Nadra Rare, unique
2465 Boy Nadwa Council
2466 Girl Nadwa Council
2467 Girl Nadwa Council
2468 Girl Nadwah Councel
2469 Boy Nagadhipa The overlord of the mountains
2470 Boy Nagadhiraja The paramount king of the mountains
2471 Boy Nagaja Daughter of a mountain
2472 Girl Naganandini Mountain born
2473 Boy Nagander Sun
2474 Boy Nagander Sun
2475 Boy Nagapati The lord of the mountains
2476 Boy Nagaraja King of the mountains
2477 Boy Nagdhar One who adornes mountain
2478 Boy Nageshwara Lord of the mountains
2479 Girl Nageswari Goddess of the mountain, elephants, king of serpen
2480 Girl Naginder Lord of mountain
2481 Boy Naginderbir Brave mountain
2482 Boy Naginderjeet Victory of mountain
2483 Girl Nagma Song, tune or a melody
2484 Boy Naishal Mountain
2485 Girl Nakita Victory of the people, unconquerable
2486 Boy Nalinikant Husband of lotus, ( sun)
2487 Boy Nandanandan Nandanuni kumarudu [sri krishna]
2488 Boy Nandha Young man, another name of murugan
2489 Boy Naresh Lord of man, the king, the king of the country
2490 Boy Nashir One who scatters, exposer, announcer
2491 Boy Nashir One who scatters, exposer, announcer
2492 Boy Nasih Advisor, well-wisher, counsellor
2493 Boy Nathan-melech 'the gift of the king, or of counsel'
2494 Boy Naunihal Happy young person
2495 Girl Nava A boat, tune
2496 Girl Navdip The sweet smell of a pack of fun-dip mixed with a
2497 Girl Navinya The newest, youngest, last
2498 Girl Navishka The newest, youngest, last
2499 Girl Navishtha The newest, youngest, last
2500 Girl Navistha Youngest
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