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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Un'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2951 Boy Ravjot Light of the sun
2952 Girl Ravleen Spreading sunshine
2953 Boy Ravneet Morality like sun
2954 Girl Ravneet Morality like sun
2955 Boy Ravy From the sun
2956 Girl Ravyanki Sunshine, held in the lap of the sun god
2957 Girl Rawdha Garden, a bunch of gems
2958 Boy Ray Regal, counsellor, abbreviation of raymond, advice
2959 Boy Rayansh Part of sun
2960 Boy Rayudu A man with rich background
2961 Girl Rebecal Tied, bound
2962 Girl Rebekah Bound
2963 Girl Rebi Tied, bound
2964 Boy Reddy Power, dominate, leader, forerunner
2965 Boy Reeyansh First ray of sun
2966 Boy Reggie Ruler with counsel
2967 Boy Reid Ruler with counsel
2968 Boy Remington Ruler with counsel
2969 Girl Renu Atom, universe
2970 Boy Reshmanth Sun, fortunate, energetic
2971 Boy Revanta Youngest son of surya
2972 Boy Revanth Son of sun, horse rider
2973 Boy Rewant Lord sun
2974 Boy Reyansh A part of sun, lord vishnu
2975 Boy Rhyah Queen of the sun
2976 Girl Rhyah Queen of the sun
2977 Boy Ribhav An intensly glowing ray of the sun
2978 Girl Richitha Fortunate
2979 Girl Riddhi Fortunate
2980 Boy Riddhi Fortunate
2981 Girl Riddhi Good fortune
2982 Boy Riddhiman Possessed of good fortune
2983 Boy Riddhiman Possessed of good fortune, lucky person
2984 Girl Ridhdhi Fortunate
2985 Girl Ridhi Fortunate
2986 Boy Ridhvik Wealth and good fortune
2987 Boy Rihit Sound of leaves
2988 Girl Rimjhim Sound of rain drops
2989 Girl Rimjim Sound of rain
2990 Girl Rimple Soft, gentle spirit with a profound spiritual natu
2991 Boy Rimple Soft, gentle spirit with a profound spiritual natu
2992 Girl Rini Jingle sound
2993 Boy Rinish Little bunny
2994 Boy Rinzing Sound of rain drops
2995 Boy Rishuraj Sunshine
2996 Girl Ritambhra Universal knowledge
2997 Girl Ritkriti Creation of god sun
2998 Girl Ritkriti Creation of god sun
2999 Girl Riva Tied, bound
3000 Boy Riyansh First ray of sunlight
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