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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Who'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2501 Boy Yashvanth Forever young, a person who attains fame and glory
2502 Boy Yashvardhan One who improve your glory
2503 Boy Yashvardhana One who improve your glory
2504 Boy Yashwant One who has achieved glory
2505 Boy Yashwant One who has achieved glory
2506 Boy Yashwanth One who has achieved glory
2507 Boy Yashwanth Always famous, always young, one who has achieved
2508 Boy Yashwardhan The one who is famous with his goodwill spreading
2509 Girl Yasoedhara Renowned, one who has achieved fame
2510 Boy Yassat One who has achieved glory
2511 Boy Yaswanth Always famous, one who has achieved glory
2512 Boy Yaswanth One who has achieved glory
2513 Girl Yathi One who strives with pertinacity of purpose, one w
2514 Boy Yathi Who strives with pertinacity of purpose, one who m
2515 Girl Yati Ascetic, one who renounces the world
2516 Girl Yatihasini Ascetic, one who renounces the world
2517 Boy Yeshwanth A person who attains fame and glory
2518 Boy Yesuthasan One who serves jesus
2519 Girl Yodhini Who is having great power
2520 Girl Yoegita Who perform yoga
2521 Boy Yogin One who practices yoga
2522 Girl Yogini One who can control senses
2523 Girl Yogini One who can control senses
2524 Boy Yogit One who can concentrate or female disciple or ench
2525 Girl Yogita One who can concentrate
2526 Girl Yogita One who can concentrate
2527 Girl Yognavi One who can concentrate
2528 Girl Yoormilai One who can control senses
2529 Girl Yoorvasi One who can concentrate
2530 Girl Yoshica Who perform yoga
2531 Girl Yoshita Who perform yoga
2532 Girl Yoshitha Who perform yoga
2533 Girl Yugandhra Who is the queen of the world
2534 Boy Zaamin One who stands surety for another one who helps
2535 Girl Zaaminah One who stands surety for another one who helps
2536 Girl Zaaminah One who stands surety for another one who helps
2537 Boy Zakir One who remembers, another name for god, rememberi
2538 Girl Zakirah One who remembers allah
2539 Boy Zaphnath-paaneah One who discovers hidden things.
2540 Boy Zayed Prospering, progressing, one who is increasing in
2541 Boy Zeeshan Person who stay with style*
2542 Girl Zena Moon, fame, news, ethiopian, one who is famous, we
2543 Girl Zia Light, enlightened, to tremble, one who unities, k
2544 Boy Zonai Lightening insect, who is in zone
2545 Girl Zoreed One who meets, one with strong intentions, one wit
2546 Girl Zoreed One who meets, one with strong intentions, one wit
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